10:: Half A Secret

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Chapter10 :: dtd 30.06.2019

HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎂 SALU aka ArshedYou coloured my teenage with all those teasings and fights. Thank You So Much Yaara. I might be away , my lost buddy.

Story till now::  ASR the short tempered business tycoon lives with his dad, Arvind and son Aarav. His family is really troubled with Arnav's short temper and problems following it. They both are kind of done with spending time with Arnav outside home because of Arnav's nature to pick fights with anyone for any mere reason.
Aarav meets Khushi , a cake maker, they get along so well. Khushi soon becomes best buddies with Aarav and Arvind. Khushi is Aarav's Angel and Aarav is her Prince. On the other side, Arnav and Shreya( Aarav's classmate and Khushi's daughter) get bonded with Arnav. Shreya got impressed on Arnav's fighting skills and is now getting trained my him. Both parties meets usually on Saturdays and spend time with each other. Arvind and Aarav who missed a lady in their family takes in Khushi. While Shreya who missed the love and care of a father figure see Arnav in that position. Unknowingly Arnav feels for Shreya like he does to Aarav. He waits eagerly for his next meet with Shreya. Same is the case with Khushi, Aarav and Arvind.

Shreya and Aarav gets into trouble in school. Khushi arrives the school and finds Aarav with bandages. While Shreya is accused of fighting and hurting a boy named Aibel. When his mother is all set to shoot daggers on Shreya, a voice breaks into the scene startling everyone.  

The story continues......

Arnav who was inspecting Aarav's bruises and bandage got relived when he found nothing much serious. Aarav was given proper first aid. Picking up his little guy he sat Aarav on the visitors couch. When he turned, Aarav held his hands, pleading through his eyes to not to make a scene of it.
"Suspend this girl this instant." Aibel's Mother said pointing to Shreya.

"But you didn't ask her why she did that. She is a sensible girl and would never cause this to a boy without a reason." Arnav strongly defended Shreya. The sight of Aibel who was sitting on the chair with a bruised face clearly depicting the artful punches Shreya threw his way made Arnav proud.

He came near Shreya and shook her two pony tails on either side of her head. Shreya giggled through the act.

She really is a good boxer. I should soon join her in the best boxing school of the country. Or would it be better if I hire the best coach for her. Will ask Aman to find the best one. Awe my little Mary Kom. Arnav was so busy within himself making plans for Shreya's future while there were two other people who had no clue about why and how Arnav reached there.

Aarav and Khushi now got really confused with the act just transpired between Shreya and Arnav. Both had the famous 3 O's.

Shreya was never a girl who would easily bond with strangers. Khushi narrowed her eyes at Arnav and Khushi, while Aarav did the same. His Dad and Shreya?? How??.

"Mr. Raizada? You here? " The principal called Arnav breaking everyone's thought process.

"Why Principal? I am the trustee of the school. Shouldn't I be here, when you are hell bend on accusing a little girl. Not even asking her side of the story." Arnav finished gritting his teeth. His voice ended in a deep hoarse tone.

"Ah. Mr. Raizada, I was about to." The principal stammered under his ASRish aura.

"When? After suspending her?" The principal stood uncomfortably on his feet.

"Okay, no worries I will ask her." He kneed don before Shreya and asked for her side of the story.

She started her narration....

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