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Chapter 18:: dtd 20.11.2019

"Ms.Gupta, the child's mother gave you legal guardian ship before her death by her will. Legally right?"

"Yes, Mr.Roy."

"This stands valid, if the child has no blood related guardian. The kid's grandparents are alive aren't they? And Mrs. Anjali was married till death?"  Roy questions.

"Yes Shreya's Grand parents are alive. And Anju Di hadn't divorced Shyam before her death." Khushi answered.

"So the child's parents are not legally divorced. If the child's father is back for the child's custody, he definitely outlaw the mother's will which gave to the child's custody."  Khushi began trembling. Arnav saw it and side hugged her.

They were at his penthouse the next day as Shyam was yet not back. Arnav and Khushi was talking to Mr. Roy about Shreya's custody.

"Mr.Roy? Are you telling Shyam can take in Shreya's custody? I will shut him with money and power if necessary."

"Shyam doesn't need money Arnav. I already tried that. He said Shreyu is all he needs."

" Your 'money' is not that luring Khushi. Mine will do the work. He will go back and will never come back. I will pay his price."

"What if that doesn't work?" Khushi argued.
"He won't fall for your money or power Arnav . I know him better."

How dare you Khushi Kumari Gupta? Know him better? I will see you after this meeting. 

"Mr.Roy? What say?"

"You can try that after we file the case. In a out of court settlement."

"Why can't I do that now?"  ASR is known for his impatience.

"No ASR. Not now. He should come to us when we call him for the talk. For that we would need to give him a strike. "

"As in?"

"ASR, first thing we need is the child's Grandparents to sign Ms. Gupta as the child's guardian. Even though the mother signed Ms. Gupta up, it can be nullified by the child's father or the grandparents. Or better, if the Grandparents files for the child's custody, it can be over the child's father."

"Khushi are you sure Anjali's parents will side us?" Arnav turned to Khushi.

"They were the ones who asked me to leave the town with Shreyu to hide from Shyam."

"Okay, then. ASR, we can start by filing the custody case of Ms. Shreya Gupta by her grandparents. We have to prove Mr. Shyam is unfit to have the child's custody. After that we can legalize Ms Gupta's guardian ship."

"Ok,  Shreya's grandparents will file the case. Aman will take there consent. You make necessary arrangements."

"Yes ASR, we need to file it before Thursday. I need two days for the the legal proceedings. And Saturday Sunday are court holidays."

"Very well then. Today is Wednesday already. Aman will meet you tomorrow sharp 12 with their consent. Before the lunch break you can start the procedures. "

" Yes ASR. Will do."

" Ok then. Let's leave for the day.  Come Khushi. "

One way back to Gupta House, Arnav found Khushi lost in thoughts. When he noticed the tears making way out of her eyes, he stopped the car.

"Khushi?" He brought her back from her thoughts.

"I am scared. Shreyu.... I don't have anyone else than her. Please don't separate her from me." Khushi cried.

"You are pleading to the wrong person Khushi. Go and fall on Shyam's feet when he comes back." Arnav mocked her.

"I already...." She spoke meekly.

"What the... When?" Now he was horror strucked. "How..!?"

"That... When he first met us. I had begged him some time with Shreya. He was stubborn to take Shreyu then and there."

"Damn you Khushi. Are you for real? Anjali really chose a wrong person to make Shreya's guardian. She should have not handed over Shreya to u." He spat in anger.

"Arnav..." Khushi gasped in horror.
both palms.

"Ok fine. I won't say anything more. Stop being a crybaby."

He pulled her in his hug and stroke her hairs to console her.

"Please save her Arnav."

"I will . Stop crying dammit. And after all this is done the first thing you are going to do is marry me. I don't trust you with Shreya."

She broke the hug and met his eyes.

"I have many plans for her future. You will destroy all that making Shreya weak like you. I have heard, mothers can do anything for there children. Even there life, you scared kitten."

"I want to live with her not die. But if necessary, I won't hesitate to trade my life for her."

" You now only told you want to leave with her. Then learn to take life of who tries to take away your daughter. You sacrificing your life will do  no difference."

She nodded in yes.

"Everything will be fine. This new year you will find yourself as my legally wedded wife. This time I won't take no as answer."

" I won't." She replied.

"Better. I don't want another complication in the case by marrying you. Else, ...." Arnav stopped gazing on her vacant neck.

Next Monday Shyam received the court order about Shreya's custody case filed by her grandparents.

He hired a lawyer to fight for him.

Aman went around to open graves of Shyam's deeds. It is very important to prove Shyam unfit.

Shyam found Khushi ignorant to his threats he make whenever he skipped the guard's scrutinized gaze off him which very rarely happened. Khushi improved but ignorance was not enough. To fight back was left.

Kids were kept away. They fall back to their usual routine with school and stuff.
Arnav would personally pick and drop both kids. Aarav would many times stay back with Shreya in the evening till Arnav comes to pick him at night after his office time.
So meeting each other was going on. The relations began to colour in new shades.

LoVe AryaARshi 😍 😍

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