14:: Proposal.

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Chapter14 :: dtd 21.10.2019

Story till now:: ASR the short tempered business tycoon lives with his dad, Arvind and son Aarav. His family is really troubled with Arnav's short temper and problems following it. They both are kind of done with spending time with Arnav outside home because of Arnav's nature to pick fights with anyone for any mere reason.

Aarav meets Khushi , a cake maker, they get along so well. Khushi soon becomes best buddies with Aarav and Arvind. Khushi is Aarav's Angel and Aarav is her Prince. On the other side, Arnav and Shreya( Aarav's classmate and Khushi's daughter) get bonded with each other. Shreya gets impressed on Arnav's fighting skills and is now getting trained my him. Both parties meets usually on Saturdays and spend time with each other. Arvind and Aarav who missed a lady in their family takes in Khushi. While Shreya who missed the love and care of a father figure see Arnav in that position. Unknowingly Arnav feels for Shreya like he does to Aarav. He waits eagerly for his next meet with Shreya. Same is the case with Khushi, Aarav and Arvind.
On the kids's insistence, Arnav planned an outing that Sunday with the kids and Khushi. The outing brings a huge progress in the bond between the 4.

The story continues....

Kids were so keenly indulged in their  planning that they didn't notice another pair of ears hearing their plan.

"It's my birthday this Thursday." Shreya said.

"Ok. We will move our next step then" Aarav suggested. "I hope it doesn't back fire."

"It won't Aarav. You will get a mom and me Dad." 

"Yess" .. Excitedly they hugged each other.

That's when they noticed him.
"Oh no!!" They exclaimed together.

The birthday.

Shreya's birthday was a cosy affair. Eventhough Arnav wants it to a happening party in RM, Khushi insisted otherwise. She wanted it to be a small get - together with Arvind,Arnav and Aarav in Khushi's home. Strangely, Shreya too agreed to her mother this time much to Arnav's dissappointment. 

"Mom!  Arnie, Dadu and Aarav is here." Shreya ran to Khushi and informed her. Khushi came out to invite the trio inside. Arvind and Aarav went in while Arnav hesitated a second. Shreya took Arvind and Aarav inside

"Come.."  Khushi invited Arnav in. It was his first visit to their home, so Shreya eagerly asked him, " How's our home Arnie?"

"Khushi kept it quite well." Their eyes met in a smirk and blush.

"And my dress." Shreya asked.

"Black beauty." He answered not breaking the eye lock with Khushi.

"Arnie, I am wearing white. It's Mom wearing black."

"Ahh?" He looked around and realised his folly. He quickly turned to Shreya and picked her up in his arms. Kissing her chubby cheeks he complimented Shreya, "Angelic."




After the celebration, they all sat in the lounge. Arvind , Khushi sat on the couch  with the kids on bean bag playing the video games. Arnav was on call with something important.

Noticing Arvind not opening the subject, Aarav kicked on his dadu's legs lightly. Gesturing him to start the topic.

"Ahh Khushi?" Arvind hesitated.

"Yes Uncle?" 


The kids face palmed. They then glared at Arvind. He pouted in reply.

Khushi got confused by all the exchange between the trio.

"What is going on?" Khushi asked them.

Aarav and Shreya stood up and came to stand on Khushi's either sides. 

"Mom, how about me having Arnie as my Dad forever?

"Khush, can I call you Mom forever?"

"Fill our lives with happiness forever." They spoke one after the another without giving her a gap to answer.

"This is my birthday wish Mom." Shreya shared her wish.

The sudden proposal shook Khushi to the core. She suddenly felt herself lost, alone in the darkness. She stood up startled from her seat.

Arnav too had came back from his call only to here the trio forwarding the proposal. He got surprised unlike Khushi who got a shock.

"I am sorry uncle, I can't accept this proposal."

Khushi straight away rejected the proposal.

Arnav turned around the next second and went out of the home.
"Arnie?" Shreya wanted to go after him but Khushi pulled Shreya back to her and held her.

"I am sorry uncle". Khushi again apologized.
He smiled lightly in return.

"I don't remember how my Mom was. She had left me and went to God long back. With you I never felt the void of not having a Mom in my life. Sorry Khush, if I hurt you. It wasn't my intention to. I just wanted you to be in our life forever."

Tears weld up in his orbs. He ran out of the house Arvind followed the suit.

After they left Shreya struggled out of Khushi's hold and ran to her room sobbing in anger.


That's when they noticed him.
"Oh no!!" They exclaimed together. "Dad/Arnie?"

"What the !!"
They both ran to Arnav and dragged him to the bed and made him sit. Then they both held his hand one from their side.

"I want her as Mom, Dad." It was Aarav who first spoke.

"I know you are equally missing Mom like me.  Khush is perfect to fill the void. She is so caring and good. She loves me soo much, just like my Mom would had she been alive. I miss Mom. I really miss her whenever I see a kid with his mother. How the mother would worry for even a small scratch. It's not that you /Dadu is not loving me enough. But I miss Her."

Arnav struggled what to reply him.

"Me and Mom lived alone for all these years. I have seen her struggles to bring me up being a single mother. The people around, they never leave a chance to insult or tease Mom.

If you are there with us, I know she would be relaxed. You would handle everything. You would protect us.

If you agree, I too will get a Dad who will buy gifts for me. Pamper me like princess. Will give me piggy back rides often. Will hold my hand so that I  won't get lost in a crowd. Pick me up when I feel lazy to walk.  Will protect me from those bad aunties. I would sleep in u at night like Aarav does. I really miss my Papa Arnie. Please agree to be my Dad. I need nothing else. I would never ever ask for anything. Please."

Arnav pulled both of them in a tight hug.
"I agree but you will talk to Dad."

"Deal" The kids jumped in joy.

Later the kids went to Arvind, told him everything from their very first plan. Arvind already had a clue about this. He agreed to alk to Khushi about the proposal after a lot of pestering from the kids.

Flashback ends.....

Hai all.
Hope you enjoyed the update.
Will update the next part this week itself.

Please let me know your reviews.

LoVe AryaARshi 😍 😍

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