11::A brand new weekend

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Chapter 11:: dtd 13.08.2019

Story till now::  ASR the short tempered business tycoon lives with his dad, Arvind and son Aarav. His family is really troubled with Arnav's short temper and problems following it. They both are kind of done with spending time with Arnav outside home because of Arnav's nature to pick fights with anyone for any mere reason.
Aarav meets Khushi , a cake maker, they get along so well. Khushi soon becomes best buddies with Aarav and Arvind. Khushi is Aarav's Angel and Aarav is her Prince. On the other side, Arnav and Shreya( Aarav's classmate and Khushi's daughter) get bonded with Arnav. Shreya got impressed on Arnav's fighting skills and is now getting trained my him. Both parties meets usually on Saturdays and spend time with each other. Arvind and Aarav who missed a lady in their family takes in Khushi. While Shreya who missed the love and care of a father figure see Arnav in that position. Unknowingly Arnav feels for Shreya like he does to Aarav. He waits eagerly for his next meet with Shreya. Same is the case with Khushi, Aarav and Arvind.

Shreya and Aarav gets into trouble in school. Khushi arrives the school and finds Aarav with bandages. While Shreya is accused of fighting and hurting a boy named Aibel. ASR enters the scene saving Shreya. Thus Arnav's and Shreya's secret is out to their family.

The story continues...

That weekend when Khushi arrived at RM, someone special accompanied her.

Arvind , Aarav and Arnav was sitting by the couch. While the later was impatiently waiting for Shreya, other two with their scrutinizing gaze was measuring Arnav's gestures.

The second the special one step inside through the main door, she ran inside shaking away Khushi's hold on her arms


She ran into Arnav who was coming to the door to welcome her.
Arnav picked her up in his arms while she garland her tiny hands around his neck.

Both hugged each other tight. The previous weekdays were a bit hectic for both. Armav was busy with a new deal and was out of country to London that week. He rushed through his work and barely happened to finish it by Friday. Then he took the nearest possible flight.

Sidelining his jet lag he was waiting for Shreya.

"I missed you." Both said together and then chuckled at each other.

Aarav not leaving the sight at the duo reached near Khushi.

Both looked at Arvind who was awestruck watching the once in a million years sight Arnav portrayed.

Khushi and Aarav smirked at Arvind with I - told - you -so smile. He nodded positively at them.

Shreya then unwound herself from Arnav. She then looked around to find it.

" Where is it?" She asked through her gestures.

Arnav gave her an I-am clueless-look.

"Arnie.." Shreya warned.

Arnav smirked in return. As on cue the bell to the door chimmed.

"Arnav Singh Raizada?"
The delivery boy asked.

"Yes that's me." Arnav came forward after sliding Shreya down to stand on the floor. Her curious eyes followed Arnav to the door.
The boy left after delivery.
Arnav turned with a small basket and walked to Shreya.

" Yeahhhh" She jumped up and down in happiness leaving the trio yet again clueless.

"Ah na. Not here." Arnav lifted the basket above Shreya's height when she tried to get a hold of it.

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