Chapter 7

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I woke up and grabbed my phone to see it was 10:35am, the boys must have already went to rehearsals. I got up and walked to the little kitchen on the bus before making a coffee when I saw a note with my name on it as I picked it up and started to read it while drinking my coffee.

Dear Violet,

We saw you were asleep so we decided to let you sleep.

The bus is parked outside the venue and there's showers and bathrooms inside or there's a shower on the bus.

You can come watch when your done just chuck this lanyard on first if you do :).

From the boys xx

I smiled as I put the note down and grabbed my meds before taking them with the rest of my coffee, I washed the cup up and walked over to my suitcase and grabbing out some clothes and my toiletries as I grabbed a towel and decided to go to the shower on the bus. I placed my things down and put my music on shuffle when Bang Bang came on as I stripped before turning on the water and hopping in as I washed myself. Once I finished I turned the water off and dried myself before hopping out and getting dressed in black jeans with a white shirt with a cat on it and my white converses as I dried my hair and put it in a messy side braid as I brushed my teeth and walked out as my music was still playing and I decided to have some fun and dance while no one was on the bus but me so I turned it up and started singing and dancing. I was so into the song and I was singing into my hairbrush when it changed too get along and I was still dancing that I didn't notice Calum walk in until the song ended.

"Lovely dancing and singing." He said smiling as I blushed.

"How much did you see?" I asked as I paused my music and he grabbed his phone.

"Not a lot, just came to get my phone, do you want to come watch us the music is louder to dance to?" He asked.

"Haha very funny I'll come see what you guys sound like." I said as I chucked my lanyard on and we both walked out of the bus.

We walked inside to see an empty arena with about 1000 seats or more who knows I wasn't counting, as we walked to the big space on the floor the other boys were up on stage singing Stay With Me as Calum and I both clapped.

"You guys sound awesome." I replied as they saw me and smiled as Calum jumped on stage.

"Hey I love your shirt." Michael said into the microphone as I smiled.

"Thanks." I yelled as he smiled.

"How are you?" Luke asked.

"Good Calum walked in on me dancing." I replied.

"And singing." Calum added.

"You sing?" They asked as I shook my head.

"No well I was but it was like a cat dieing." I replied as they gave me a look.

"Anyway I came to hear how you sound." I replied as they smiled.

"What song do you wanna hear?" Luke asked.

"Um... Long Way Home." I said as I started walking up to the back.

"What are you doing?" Ashton asked in the microphone.

"Going up the back to see if I can hear you." I yelled as they waited for me to stop walked as I finally made it to the back and sat down as they started to play. It was loud but not as loud as it would be down in the mosh pit but then again there would be 1000 screaming girls so the music would have to be loud. Once they finished I clapped as I walked back down and they put there instruments down as they came and sat on the chairs.

"This place is huge." I said as they smiled.

"Yeah but you should see the London O2 arena it's massive." Michael said as I looked at him.

"Oh my god." I replied.

"Just wait till tonight it's going to be awesome." Ashton said as I smiled I couldn't wait.


Girls were everywhere and I was back stage with the boys as they put their ear things in and Michael, Calum and Luke got their guitars ready before doing their little before show ritual which was this weird hand shake thing.

"We'll see you after the show." Calum said as I smiled.

"Yep." I replied as I waved to the boys and went to take my seat which was in the middle of the room but towards the back as the boys ran on and everyone started screaming as they started to sing.

They made it look so easy and like they weren't nervous at all it was amazing. I watched as the show carried on and the girls didn't stop screaming but I wouldn't calm them I mean I screamed a few times and now I can cross off another thing off my bucket list going to a concert. This was amazing even though the tour just began. I could tell this was going to be an awesome time if my lungs don't frick up then I can get through this. Once the concert finished everyone left and I walked backstage to see the guys with water bottles and towels as they smiled.

"What did you think?" Ashton asked.

"You guys were awesome you rocked it." I replied as they smiled as they had a meet and greet and I waited in the other dressing room since I wanted the fans to spend time with them so I decided to call my mum.

"Hi." I said.

"Hey dear how are you?" She asked.

"I'm good, I just watched the boys preform, how about you and dad?" I asked.

"Good good hope you're having fun dear." She said.

"I am thanks for letting me come." I replied.

"It's all good just please keep taking your medication." She said.

"I will." I replied.

"Okay well I gotta go I'll talk to you soon." She said.

"Okay bye." I said as I hung up and waited until the meet and greet was over so I decided to go wait in the bus as I chucked on some basketball shorts and a baggy shirt and laid down watching Troye Sivan on my phone before I soon feel asleep.


Once we finished the meet and greet we all walked onto the bus to hear Troye Sivan's voice coming from the back of the bus as we walked and opened the door to see Violet asleep with the video still playing on her phone as I walked over and gently took her phone out of her hands and turned the video off before putting it on charge as Luke put the blanket over her and we turned off the light and shutting the door.

"Were we really in the meet and greet for that long?" Ashton asked as we shrugged.

"It didn't feel that long." Luke replied as we all jumped in our beds.

"Well tomorrow she can meet Troye Sivan since he is there for this week and next week." Ashton replied as I smiled.

"Yeah." I replied. I loved helping her cross things off her bucket list and seeing her smile but then I would think about the lung cancer and it would hurt, I hated it.

"Well night guys." I replied as we felt the bus start to move.

"Night." The others said as I fell asleep.


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