Chapter 15

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The boys got three days break on tour before they had to get back on the road and they told be we were crossing something off my bucket list.

"Were are we going" I asked as they smiled.

"We're going camping" Calum said as I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Really?" I asked as he laughed and smiled.

"Yes now come on we're almost at the camp ground" he said as I nodded and grabbed my things before I put them in a small bag and Luke gave me a sleeping bag. Once we reached the camping ground we hopped off the bus and waved to chuck as he drove off and we began walking to our camping spot.

"This is going to be so fun" I said as they smiled.

"Yep I brought my guitar so we can sing songs around the camp fire" Luke said as I smiled. Once we reached our camping spot we put everything down.

"Let's get the tent up" Ashton said as we nodded and began connecting the poles for the tent. We started to put the tent up but it didn't look right.

"Ashton were are the instructions?" I asked as he looked around and scratched his head.

"I uh.... I don't know" he said as I sighed and laughed.

"Guys we need to look for the instructions" I said as they nodded and we bang looking before Michael found it.

"Got it" he said as we looked and fixed up the tent.

"That looks better" Luke said as we laughed and put our things in there.

"Let's go get some wood for the fire" Calum said as we nodded.

"Luke and I will finish setting up" Michael said as Ashton, Calum and I nodded and walked out into the woods to get some wood.

"Haha guys look at this stick I found" Ashton said holding up a tall stick that looked like it helped you to walk.

"YOU SHALL NOT PASS" he said hitting the stick on the ground as Cal and I both laughed and continued to gather wood.

"Guys I can't carry anymore wood" I said as they looked at me.

"Haha I think we have enough let's head back" Calum said as we began walking back.Once we reached the camp site we looked see a circle in the middle of the chairs made out of rocks as we put some of the wood in their and left some to the side so we could keep the fire going once it got dark. Once it started to get dark the bugs started to come out.

"Michael did you bring the bug repellent?" I asked as he nodded.

"Yeah it's in the tent let me go get it" he said as he walked into the tent.

"F**K" he yelled as he walked out of the tent looking at the grass.

"I might have maybe forgot" he said as looked at him.

"Are you serious?" I asked as he nodded.

"Oh my god Michael next time I'm bringing that because I won't forget" I said as he laughed and sat down.

"Good idea" he said as I laughed.

"At least he didn't forget the food" Luke said as he nodded.

"No I didn't forget the food I know I didn't" Michael said as nodded and he sat down in his chair. We talked about random things before it go dark and we started the fire and we put warmer clothes on before we began cooking dinner and Ashton made another video.

"This is 5SOS cooking dinner in the wild" ashton said.

"We aren't the best we burnt a few sausages but their still eatable" Luke said as Ashton laughed.

"Anyway Mikey forgot the insect repellent so we are getting bitten alive but we love you guys bye" Ashton said as the video ended. Once dinner was read we all ate it and we were proud of ourselves. Once we finished we we cleaned up and sat around the fire I was sitting on Calum's lap with a blanket around as while Luke had his guitar.

"What song should we sing first?" Luke asked as I leaned my head against Calum's chest and he rested his chin on my head.

"Oh daylight I love that song" I said as I smiled.

"Okay" Luke said as he started to play and we sung along with him. We sung more songs like don't stop, fancy, long way home, over and over, beside you and voodoo doll. We even made s'mores which tasted amazing. We looked up at the night sky to see the stars shinning and I smiled.

"They are so beautiful" I said.

"Their amazing aren't they" Ashton said.

"Yeah they light up the night sky with the moon" Luke said. Just then I yawned and I heard Michael yawn too.

"Aw you guys are tired well it is late" Calum said as we nodded and stood up and I still had the blanket around me as we walked into the tent and hopped in our sleeping bags while Ashton zipped the door of the tent closed.

"Night guys" Ashton said as he got into his sleeping bag.

"Night sweet dreams" Calum said.

"Good night" Michael said.

"Night guys" Luke said.

"Night" I said before drifting off to sleep.


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