Chapter 13

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This suit was beautiful there was two double beds only a few feet from each other with draws at the end of each bed and a fireplace with a tv above it. There was a little couch with a tv in the wall and mirrors next to it and some art on the roof. I walked further into the room until I saw the bathroom with two sinks and a little bath that changed colour of the water and the roof had little starts on the top and the walls which made it look kool and a toilet. I walked out and fell on one of the beds and looked to the other bed to see Calum smiling at me.

"This is beautiful thank you so much" I said smiling.

"It's okay" he said as sat up.

"What about our clothes?" I asked.

"It's all good we got some of your meds and some clothes for tomorrow their in the draws at the end of your bed" he said as I smiled.

"Thanks" I said as I looked into his brown eyes.

"So can I ask why you brought me here and let me stay in the cinderella suit because I know you wouldn't want to stay here?" I asked as he looked away and started to play with his hands.

"Who says I wouldn't?" He asked as I we both laughed.

"Okay we it's better to say this now than never" he said I looked at him but he wouldn't let me look at his eyes.

"The first time I saw you at the hospital on your birthday I thought you where the most beautiful girl and I asked myself how could such a beautiful girl have something so deadly. I loved hanging out with you even if we were with the others and when we hang out on tour I just.... I.... Uh..... I wanna kiss you and hold you in my arms and call you mine and send you sweet text and that was one of the reasons I invited you on the tour because I to get the balls to tell you this. I mean I like Violet I like you more than I should and I know I shouldn't but I couldn't hid it. I guess what I'm trying to say is will you go out with me?" He asked still not looking at me and I stayed quite just thinking I mean I wanted to cry and kiss him because I fell for him too and I would love to go out with him but then the cancer hit me I don't want to hurt him. What will happen when I go I don't want him to be depressed it will hurt me.

"I don't wanna hurt you Cal I'm like a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode" I said as his eyes found their way to mine and he just looked at me.

"I know but I wouldn't mind if my heart was broken by you and I would try and love you better than the day before" he said as I hugged him and his arms wrapped around me I can't his the fact that I like him and if I said no it wouldn't just hurt him it would hurt me.

"Yes" I said as he pulled away from the hug and looked at me.

"Yes what?" He asked looking confused as I smiled.

"Yes I will go out with you" I replied as he smiled and brag me into a hug and I laughed.

"Our first date is tonight but don't get changed cause I like the outfit you are wearing" he said as I smiled and shook my head.

"So we're having a dinner date then?" I asked as he nodded and grabbed my hand before we walked down to the restaurant. Once we got their we sat down and the waiter came over and I got nuggets and chips with a coke and Calum got a burger meal before he walked off.

"Did you know that I love Nutella" I said as he shook his head.

"Nope but now I know" he said as I smiled.

"We can watch cinderella when we get back to our room" I said jumping up and down in my seat as the waiter came out with our food and placed it in front of us and we thanked him before I looked at my food and the nuggets were shaped as micky mouse it was cute. Once we finished we had an argument for who's paying and Calum won so he payed for it and I had my money in my hand but I had an idea. After we payed we walked back to our room before Calum went to open the door and we walked inside as I got out my pjs and went over to Calum before slipping the money in is pocket.

"That's for my meal" I said as he went to give it back but I ran into the bathroom and locked the door and grabbed a towel from the bench top and started running the water for the bath. Once the water was right I stripped and hopped in before looking up to see all the little stars on the wall light up as the water changed colour to be honest I haven't had a bath in AGES. I laid in the water and washed myself before I just sat their because I wouldn't be having another bath till tour finished. I was half asleep when I heard a knock at the door and I blinked a few times.

"Violet you okay you've been in their for about an hour" Calum said as pulled the plug and hopped out.

"Yeah sorry" I said as I dried myself and chucked on my pjs before I opened the door and Calum went in as I took my medication and waited for Calum and I laid on my bed when I texted Luke.

-'hey have u guys trashed the place yet?'

-'NO we wound here it's too expensive if we break anything'

-'hahaha true so how r u?'

-'good just got back from dinner wbu?'

-'just hopped out of the bath'

-'oh I think I might go have a bath🙈'

-'okay go have a bath c ya tomoz'

-'yep have fun 😉'

I smiled before I saw the door opened to revile Cal smiling at me.

"Ready to watch Cinderella?" He asked as I nodded and he put it on before we laid on his bed and cuddled to each other while we watched it. Once the movie finished we said night and we both hopped into our beds before I fell asleep.

**next day**

We were currently have breakfast with the others when I found out that my waffles where micky mouse and I went all excited as the boys just laughed at me. We told the others that Calum and I were dating and they smiled. After we finished we payed and left while We gave Chuck our clothes and he took them back to the bus as we began exploring more of Dianeyland. We went on more rides and got more photos which was amazing.

"So are you excited about your concert tomorrow?" I asked as they nodded.

"Yeah we are excited for every concert" Michael said as I nodded. When it came to lunch we had lunch and went on two more rides before we had to leave so we could make it to the arena tomorrow. We stopped on the bridge and Chuck took a photo of us outside DISNEYLAND my life was complete. We walked back to the car and Calum held my hand as we walked back to the bus before we hopped on and drove off to the next stop on this tour.


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