Chapter 20

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We all had our fingers crossed waiting for her to read the the name out and she grabbed the mic.

"The winner is 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER" she said as we all jumped up and we had a group hug and the boys ran on stage as I sat down and waited them all up there.

"Um hi everyone we just wanted to say a MASSIVE thank you to the 5sos FAM for this award it means so much to us and this is just incredible to win this award" Ashton said as Luke walked up to the mic.

"This is really big for us since we started out in Ashton's garage and now here we are and we wouldn't be here without the fans so this is for you thank you again" he said as the smiled and walked off as Katy came out and the boys came back to the seats and Calum intertwined our hands again.

"Congrats" I whispered in Calum's ear as he smiled. We watched the rest of the show and the boys won 3 awards in total and one direction won like 5 it was crazy and oh my god Beyoncè's preformence was amazing she killed it. Once the show was over we were invited back to the after party with all the celebrities and fans that got after party tickets but I stayed near Calum. We saw people talking and having fun and they had fancy food which tasted delicious.

"Hey congrats on your wins guys" Katy said as they smiled.

"Thanks and good job on hosting it was amazing" Michael said as she smiled.

"Thanks well I gotta go" she said before walking off when Lady Gaga came up to us.

"Hey congrats guys you deserved all your awards and your preformence was amazing" she said smiling.

"Thanks and congrats on the award too" Ashton said as she smiled.

"And who is this beautiful girl?" She asked as I smiled.

"This is my girlfriend Violet" Calum said as smiled and looked at the both of us.

"Well you guys are very cute together" she said as someone called her and she gave us a sad look.

"Looks like my fans need me" she said as we laughed and she walked off. We talked to more celebrities and ate some food and drank some drinks it was a fun night. Once the after party finished we walked out to our limo and hopped in before Michael shut the door and we drove off.

"Well what did you think of the MTV Awards?" Ashton asked.

"Amazing omg I met so many celebrities and they called me beautiful like wow" I said as they laughed.

"We're happy you had fun" Luke said as I nodded.

"Thanks guys" I said as they smiled before I pulled my phone out and sent mum the photos from today. She texted back saying I looked beautiful in the dress and we had a little conversation until the limo stopped and I put my phone in my clutch before we hopped out and my jaw dropped this place looked so nice and all the celebrities from today where here as well.

"Holy fudge cakes" was all that came out of my mouth as the other guys laughed at me and we walked up to the lady while Luke said the band name and she gave him four keys wait four but their five of us.

"Here is your key Ashton and Michael" Luke said as they thanked him and we walked into the elevator.

"And Calum and Violet your sharing a room" Luke said ohhhh that makes a lot of sense now haha I'm so dumb.

"Thanks" I said as Luke clicked the fifth floor ha get it 5 seconds of summer is on the 5th floor haha okay that wasn't funny well I thought it was.

"We'll go get changed and then we can go down for dinner" Ashton said as we nodded when the doors opened and we walked out and past a lot of rooms before we reached ours and our door room number was 5505 before Calum opened the door and we walked in to see a king size bed and a window with a massive bathroom and a spar bath and a massive shower. There was also a flat screen TV and our suitcases at the end of the bed as I fell on it and to be honest it felt like a cloud.

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