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I rush home as quickly as I can and run to the front door. Candace open the door for me before I even have a chance to get my keys out of my pocket.

"What the hell? Where did you go?" She exclaims.

"My mom is cheating on my dad." I say, "I need to run up to the office really quickly. You can either go with me or stay here and wait for me to get back. I'm sorry, I know all of this is confusing and hectic, but I have things I need to take care of." I explain.

"Wait, what? Lizzie is cheating on Daniel? How do you know? With who?" She says, shaking her head with confusion.

"With Christy. I walked in on them." I say, "Now are you coming with me or not?" I ask, wanting to get back on the road as soon as possible.

"Wait, what? She was cheating on Daniel with Christy? Like, her best friend?" Candace continues to ask.

"Yes, that Christy. Now, I really have to go. Are you coming or not?" I ask again.

"I'll just stay here. Go take care of everything. Just...keep in touch. Text me, okay?" She says softly.

"My mom broke my phone." I tell her.

"She broke your phone?" She exclaims.

"Yes, so I have to get a new phone tomorrow. I'll be home as soon as I can. I just have to run up to the office." I say and give her a quick kiss before I start right back down to my car. I feel bad for dragging Candace into all of this mess, but I kind of have no other choice. She kind of signed up for this when she started to date me.

As soon as I get back into the car, I look at the clock and see that it's way too late for anyone to be up at the office. Evan is still in, but I only know this because he will more than likely be responding to whatever Grayson has been emailing us. Which of course, I can't see any of because my mom shattered my fucking phone. I just pray that Evan at least has my dad's number saved. I know if he doesn't have his, he will at least have Frailey's. Whatever the case is, I have to get ahold of my dad as soon as possible. He has to know what's going on.

As I approach the building's parking garage, I see Clarissa's car parked at the very end. Of course she's here this late. She probably took over for Evan, since he has to be up early in the morning. I park next to her and run into the building as quickly as I can.

The hallways is dark and quiet. I'm used to getting out of the office during late hours, but I can honestly say I have never walked in this late. I see Danny, the security guard pacing at the end of the hall by the elevators.

"Mr. Fain. You're in late, aren't you? It seems like all of you are here pretty late." Danny tells me with a polite smile.

"Yeah, I had some last minute things I had to get done with." I mumble, trying to stay as polite as possible. I have no time for this small talk, though. As I step into the elevator and press the button for my floor, I wait for the longest five seconds of my life as I doors close. I honestly feel as though I'm in such a big hurry, I could have ran up the stairs and made it into my office before this elevator gets me there.

Despite my complaints, the elevator opens and reveals my floor. I step out and look around as I walk into my office.

"Evan?" I call out, expecting to hear him turn the corner any second. Yet, I get no reply. He's probably gone. There's no fucking use in trying to find him here. I turn around and take the elevator one floor up. I know Clarissa is here and I know that she has my dad's number on speed dial, even though she's never actually had to use it before. When the elevator reaches her floor, I step out and quickly walk towards her office. I open the door without knocking, and instantly regret it. Clarissa is sitting on Evan's lap, who is running his hands through her hair and kissing her.

The Arrangement | Book 2 | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now