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"Im going to do it. I'm asking her out. Think she'll say yes?" Evan asks. Clarissa is out on the dance floor, dancing to the current song playing.

"Do it. You've got this." I encourage. Just as I say this, Clarissa falls to the ground and bursts into a fit of laughter. "Better go get your girl, she's having some trouble." I laugh. Evan walks away and goes over to Clarissa. She's laughing and reaching up for him to pick her up, which he does without complaint. I've never seen Clarissa like this. Ever.

I have about twenty different text messages from Mel. She's completely overreacting over this entire situation. I am so fucking tired of her constant doubt when it comes to me.

I mean, I guess she has reasons to think this way. But, she doesn't know it. Up until Candace's arrival, I have been loyal as hell to Melissa. I never went out without her, I never spoke to any other girls...I did everything right.

Even when I did everything right, she still thought I was wrong.

Everything I will ever do in our relationship will be wrong. There's nothing more to it than that. I just can't fucking stand it anymore. I need to end it with her. I need to cut things off with Melissa like I promised Candace I would. However, the thought of Melissa with another man kills me. The thought of her crying over me kills me. The thought of having to work with her even after our breakup will be absolutely horrendous. There's so much more that goes into this than even Candace knows. There's way too much. As fucked up as it is, I know it's easier to keep things with Melissa going. Well, at least for the time being. Candace will never know. She really won't.

When Melissa calls back, I ignore it immediately. I don't want to speak with her right now. I don't want to hear her voice. I just want to sit and drink with my friends. I already feel the weight of the world kind of dissolve as I finish this fishbowl drink the bartender brought. I'm not even going to try and convince myself that this drink is worth fifty dollars, because it isn't. But it is full of rum and blue slush, so I can't complain too much.

"Come on, I think you're done for the night." Evan says as he drags Clarissa back to our lounge.

"I want another shot." She whines. Her hair is a complete mess and she reeks of fucking alcohol. My God, I didn't know someone as small as her could drink so much.

"No. No more for you, love." Evan says, pushing the mess of hair out of her face.

"Don't tell me what to do!" She says as she reaches for the last watermelon shot on the table and downs it. Evan rolls his eyes and pulls her down into her seat.

"Okay, you had your shot. Now sit down and drink some of this water." Evan says, handing her a cup of water. I'm sure that water is warm as hell, but Clarissa doesn't seem to care as she drinks it quickly.

"What time is it?" I ask them, squinting over at the clock behind us. There's no hope because I can't see what it says at all.

"Almost two in the morning. They're open until four." Evan says.

"Let's go to a different bar!" Clarissa cheers.

"Absolutely not. We're going to get you sobered up enough to go home." He informs her gently.

"Are you coming home with me tonight?" She asks, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"I don't think that's a good idea, love. You're going to pass out the second you get into your bed." He laughs.

I let out of laugh, knowing that when Clarissa wakes up in the morning she will absolutely mortified by the way she is acting right now. She isn't going to feel too hot going into work tomorrow, either. Even though she isn't scheduled, I know she'll be in the office. She never leaves.

Melissa calls again, and I send it right to voicemail. I thought she would get the hint to leave me alone right now, but me ignoring her calls only seems to fuel this fire even more.

"I want a burger." She groans.

"We can get you a burger." Evan says, but shakes his head at me.

"No, I want one right now!" She groans.

"They don't have burgers here." He tells her.

"I don't feel good." She whines. Almost immediately after the words leave her mouth, she lunges forward and vomits all over Evan. I turn around quickly, not wanting to see the scene that just unfolded.

I'll fucking puke if I see it.

"Fucking Damnit, Clarissa!" Evan shouts, but I can see him out of the corner of my eye grabbing his jacket and wiping her off quickly.

I need to help my friends right now. I need to get over this shit and just fucking help them. I don't know why I have such a weak stomach, but it's my biggest flaw. I need to get over it.

I take a deep breath and turn around, making sure not to breath in the smell.

"What can I do?" I ask, looking at Evan and nothing else.

"Uhh...water. She needs water." He says, shaking his head and trying to wipe his shirt off.

"I'm sorry." Clarissa says, tearing up.

"Hey, it's fine. I'm sorry for yelling. You didn't do anything wrong." He says gently.

I'm going to puke at some point tonight, I know it. I just pray that it isn't sooner rather than later.

"We need to get an Uber called. You still have her address, right?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I'll get one sent here right now. Let's just get everything gathered up and get her outside." I say, grabbing her purse and his wallet and keys.

When we get outside, the Uber is waiting for us. Evan walks her over to the vehicle and looks inside at the driver. It's a younger kid. Probably only twenty one or so. His car reeks of fucking pot and cigarettes.

"I'm not leaving her here alone." He states, and I completely agree.

"Go with her. I'll catch a different one." I tell him.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yeah, of course. Make sure she get's home safe, okay? Get her cleaned off and in bed." I tell him, handing him her purse.

"Okay. Be careful, man. Text me when you get home, okay?" He asks me as he helps Clarissa get into the car.

"You too. Make sure to give her some bread or something, okay?" I remind him. He nods and then closes the car door behind him.

 As the Uber takes off, I stand outside and look around. The area is still full of people going in and out of bars. It's crazy how late some people are able to stay out.

Right as I send for my own Uber, I hear my name being called.

"Matthew Daniel Fain!" The voice screams. I know that voice from anywhere, and I know that I'm going to get my ass kicked in one way or another.

It's Melissa.

The Arrangement | Book 2 | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now