✎ letter eight

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Minho, Minho,

aren't you the kindest and most caring person on this planet? That's cute, but it's no idea to try to save Minji, she's gonna die anyway. You can't stop me.

And now that I know you care of her I want to kill her badly. She's messing things up.

Anyway, changing topic, you're so cute when you sleep. You hug your pillow like your life depends on it—

Minho folded the letter and put it in his back pack. Each letter got creepier. Did Alex watch him in his sleep? What if he watched him when he showered!?

Minho looked around him. People were watching him, nearly everyone. The rumors had spread like a fire, everyone knew he had dragged Minji out of her classroom yesterday.

Minho looked down and closed his locker. He wanted to ask Jeongin if he really gave away his number just like that.

He began to walk and stopped outside Jeongin's classroom. People glared at him. Minho felt really uncomfortable.

Jeongin's class ended and everyone exited the classroom. Just as Minho was about to approach Jeongin someone stopped in front of him.

The boy had raven hair and was even shorter than Changbin. What did he even want?

"What did you want with my sister!? She was so scared when she came home yesterday! What did you do?" The boy asked through gritted teeth.

"Calm down Minjae..."

Minho looked to the side and saw Jeongin's deep brown eyes and curly hair. He laid a hand on the boys shoulder, but he just shook it off and walked away.

Jeongin sighed and turned to Minho.

"Sorry for that." He said, looking down.

"It's okay Jeongin. But can I ask you something?" Minho said.

Jeongin nodded and smiled. They walked away from the other students, so no one would hear their conversation.

"Do you know Alex?" Minho asked.

"Alex Woodgate? Yeah I know him, how come you're asking?" Jeongin responded and titled his head.

"Because someone told me that you gave him my number."

Jeongin looked confused, but then his eyes widened. He smiled again and shook his head. Now Minho was confused.

"I didn't give Alex your number, but Hyunjin asked for it." Jeongin explained.

"Kim Hyunjin?"

"Hwang Hyunjin."

Minho didn't know what to think. Hwang Hyunjin was a extremely good looking boy in Felix' class. He has a boyfriend, so he couldn't be the one sending him the letters. Right?

"Okay, thanks Jeongin. Goodbye." Minho said, leaving quickly.

Jeongin told him goodbye and walked back to his friends. Minho felt like he was being watched. But no one in particular was looking his way.

While he was half running away from God knows what he ran into Jisung. The younger stumbled some steps.

"Oh, I'm sorry Jisung." Minho said.

Jisung looked up, his eyes wide and clear. He looked different in some way.

"Hey, are you okay?" Minho asked, laying a hand on Jisung's shoulder.

Jisung nodded and shook off Minho's hand, rushing past him. Minho was so confused. He ran after Jisung. Jisung ran fast, very fast. Soon Jisung had run away from him and Minho just couldn't find him.

Minho sighed, out of breath. Jisung couldn't be find anywhere. He was so confused and worried. Why were Jisung running away from him?

Suddenly someone laid a hand on his shoulder, it was Changbin. He looked worried.

"Why are you running around the school?" He asked.

"I was chasing Jisung." Minho told him, realizing how stupid it sounded afterwards.

Changbin raised an eyebrow. He shook his head and began to say something when a scream broke the almost silence school corridor.

Minho's blood froze to ice. This wasn't good, not good at all. He and Changbin ran to where the scream was located.

Minho didn't know what to expect, but he knew it wasn't going to be anything good.

✎ ✎ ✎


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