✎ letter twenty three

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Levi inhaled shakily, looking at the lifeless body in front of him. It was quiet in the room, no one was moving. A hysterical laugh escaped Levi's mouth. He smiled and giggled like a maniac. 

He somehow felt reviled looking at the dead body in front of him. He had finally gotten that annoying boy out of the way.

Levi laid the gun on the table, carrying Changbin's body and laying it on-top of his boyfriend's.

Levi giggled and took the gun. He decided to check on Jeongin. Levi left the room and locked the door. He walked out of the basement, up to the first floor. He had locked Jeongin into his empty bedroom.

But when Levi opened the door the boy was nowhere to be find. Levi walked into the room. Jeongin couldn't hide since there were no places to hide. But the boy had somehow succeeded to hide anyway.

Before Levi could leave the room he heard something, a wooden plank creaking. Levi spun around and he realised, Jeongin had been standing behind the door.

The younger boy began to run just when Levi pulled the trigger. A second later Jeongin had tackled Levi to the floor, crushing the hand that was holding the gun.

Levi let out a deafening scream, letting go of the gun. Jeongin tossed it to the side, taking a choke hold on Levi.

"I thought you were going to give up!" Levi growled, sending Jeongin a death glare.

"I was, but I'm not that kind of person after all." Jeongin told him, smirking.

The boy wasn't going to kill Levi, even though he deserved it. Jeongin couldn't kill anyone. He wasn't like that.

He stood up from Levi and got the gun, pointing it at the male. Levi just glared at him.

Jeongin smiled sweetly, walked out and locked the door. A sigh escaped his lips and he fell to the floor. He cried tears of happiness, feeling reviled and free.

His body ached and the gun felt heavy in his hand. He slowly stood up, walking down to the basement. He was going to save his friends.

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Levi stood up, coughing slightly. He had to get out. He started to feel the walls in the room, searching for a crack.

Levi found the crack he was looking for and bent up the door. It was a hidden door he had found when he was six years old. After that he could walk inside the walls, traveling around the house without anyone noticing. It had been helpful.

Levi stepped into the small space, inhaling. His throat burned. He hadn't been inside these walls in an eternity. He actually missed these hidden paths.

The brown hair boy closed the hidden door and started to crawl, he didn't need light to see. He was familiar with these paths.

As he crawled through the walls old memories came back. This old house was full of memories from his past.

Levi plucked daisies in the garden. His mother was inside the house cooking and his older bothers were playing football behind the house. Levi didn't want to play with the twins though, he liked to be alone.

He was ten at the time. The skies were blue and his father had painted the house white. Levi would've liked the house red though. What if he could paint the house red himself? But he didn't have any paint.

Levi had gone into the kitchen, watching his mother chop vegetables with a sharp knife.

His mind came quickly up with ideas and his body reacted just as quickly. He had taken the knife from his mother, stabbing her in the heart. Somehow he had pressed the knife between the ribs.

Levi could still hear her screams sometimes at night when he couldn't sleep. But at least he did paint some of the house red with her blood. So it was somehow worth it.

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that's fucked up
hope you enjoyed

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