✎ letter eleven

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Minho didn't know what to think. Was his secret admirer playing a prank on him, or was this letter really from Jisung? Or was Jisung his secret admirer?

Minho didn't think to much about it, because right now he had to find Minjae. If he understood the letter then it's to late to save Minjae.

After half an hour looking for Minjae in the school Minho found him. His body was stuffed into in a closet. His white shirt wasn't white at all, it was red. He had blank eyes and pale skin.

Minho just stood there. Did Jisung really do this? A knife had been thrown beside Minjae, the blade bloody. Did Jisung stab Minjae until he bled to death?

Minho's world began to spin and his vision became blurry. Before he got the chance to sit down he fainted and hit his head on the hard floor.

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Minho had a bad headache. His eyelids felt heavy, just like the rest of his body. Slowly he opened his eyes.

He was laying on the floor. Minho rolled over to the side and looked into the closet. No body, no knife. Did he imagine it all? The letter wasn't in his pocket either.

Minho sat up, taking a closer look in the closet. There weren't any blood either. Did he really imagine all that?

His head hurt, but something more hurt. It stung on his wrist. Minho looked at his wrist and thought he'd faint again. Into his wrist someone had carved a massage.

No one can hug you, except me

Minho lowered his wrist and swallowed. While he was unconsciousness someone (mostly like his secret admirer) had carved in a massage on his wrist.

If that wasn't sick then Minho didn't know what was. He stood up, his legs shaking. Minho stumbled slowly out of the school, forgetting his back pack in his locker.

He walked the whole way home. Jumping at the smallest sound. His heart was beating fast and the adrenaline pumping in his veins.

No one was home when he came home, and to make everything worse, he had gotten a letter. When Minho opened it three photos fell out.

They were of Minho. One of when he was sleeping, one of him in class and the last one was of him and Jisung hugging. Minho's heart ached when he saw Jisung.

Did he really kill Minjae? Is Minjae even dead? Minho didn't know.

Minho realized also something else had fallen out of the folded letter. A very little plastic bag with black hair in it. It was weird, so Minho read the letter, hoping he would get an explanation.


this is two photos of you and one of you and Jisung. I love these photos, at least two of them. It's also some of your hair I'm a little plastic bag.

The first is of you when you're sleeping. I like it because you're so cute when you're sleeping. I love to look at you when you're sleeping, it's calming.

The second is of you when you're in math class. You look so ethereal when you're thinking. I also like your side profile.

And the third photo is of you and Jisung. I don't like that you hugged him. My message on your wrist, please take it serious.

I didn't tell Jisung to kill Minjae for nothing. Your soft boy can be next. So be careful of who you talk to. Because you don't want them to die, or do you? You maybe want to see their lifeless bodies. Then you're like me.

I've been thinking about that for a long time. Maybe you're like me. Maybe you like the taste of blood. Do you like how sticky the blood feels between your fingers? Do you like the feeling of someone's throat in your hands? Do you like to see the life drain out of someone's eyes?

I do, and you'll have to accept that if you're going to marry me. We'll be together forever.

I love you,

sincerely your secret admirer~

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i'm back :3
hope you enjoyed the chapter

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