✎ letter twenty seven

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When Minho went out to the hall he found a folded paper on the floor. His throat closed up at the sight at it. He slowly took it and unfolded it. Reading hastily.

Come to my house. I have something for you

That was it. Minho put on a jacket and ran out of the house, Jisung following close behind.

"Go back! It's dangerous!" Minho begged, but Jisung shook his head.

"No!" Jisung said, the word sounding kind of harsh.

Minho stopped running and turned to face Jisung properly. He's glaring at Minho.

"I'm coming with you." He stated.

Before Minho could say anything had Jisung taken his hand and dragged him down the street. They began to run, hand in hand.

Minho didn't know exactly where Levi lived, so he called Seungmin and the young boy told him where he lived.

They both ran out of breath quickly and had to stop. Jisung panted.

"Come on, we don't have all time in the world." Minho said, taking Jisung's hand again.

Jisung nodded and they began to walk. They walked pretty fast. The house beside them became fewer and the forest became tighter. The road they walked on became rough and bumpy.

"Why would you want to live so far into the woods?" Jisung asked and looked at Minho.

"Guess it has its perks when you're a murder..." Minho responded, picking up the pace.

It started to rain, not that much but Jisung and Minho's hair became wet. Jisung's hair looked like spaghetti. It was deadly quiet in the forest they walked through. The only thing that could be heard was their footsteps and the quiet pit pat of the rain.

After some time they came to a big house. It was white, or more like grayish. The color was old. Minho got a lump in his throat. This was where Levi lived.

He and Jisung stepped inside the house. It wasn't locked. Immediately they saw blood, blood everywhere. Minho has already started crying silently. Jisung squeezed his hand tight.

Together they walked deeper into the house. Levi had drawn with the blood. He had drawn arrows, showing where they should go.

Minho and Jisung followed the arrows unwillingly. It only became darker and darker. The walls creaked and the planks under them whined. This house sure was creepy.

The arrows stopped in front of a door. Minho took a step closer to Jisung. His sight was blurry due to the tears.

Jisung slowly opened the door to the room. It had nothing in it and it was written in blood on the white wall in front of them.

Jisung's next

Jisung froze behind him, but Minho didn't notice. Because he had just seen Chan. His brother was laying on the cold floor. His eyes were closed.

"No, no, no." Minho whispered and stumbled towards Chan.

He fell down on his knees in front of Chan. His shirt was bloody and his skin cold and pale. Minho closed his eyes tightly. Sobs and screams leaving him.

"NO!" Minho yelled and hugged Chan.

He cried in his brothers arms. But he didn't comfort Minho like he used to do. His lifeless body just laid their, getting hugged by Minho.

Minho shook his brother back and forth, hoping he'd wake up. He had to wake up. Minho laid down beside Chan and kept on crying.

He could hear as Jisung walked up to them. He laid down beside Minho and hugged him from the back. Minho just cried, cried and cried.

His brother was gone, and Levi was planning on taking Jisung from him too. Minho wasn't going to let that happen.

✎ ✎ ✎


almost started crying when i wrote this
err i'm sorry
hope you had a good day before you read this

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