✎ letter seventeen

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Minho sighed and closed his eyes. He had a headache and he felt nauseous. The grocery store was full of families shopping for the weekend. They had normal lives, unlike Minho.

He was here due to the lack of food in the fridge. Neither Jisung, Chan or Minho's mother could go out due to Minho's secret admirer. But Minho could, he wasn't going to get hurt.

Minho didn't want to be there though. The people around him made him nervous. What if someone of the were capable of murder?

Minho sighed once again and started to walk towards the milk section. Just as he turned around a corner he walked into someone.

It was Hyunjin. He had a red scarf wrapped around his neck and a thick jacket. That was weird, it wasn't even that cold outside.

"Oh I'm sorry." He said and flashed Minho a smile.

"I-it's okay." Minho responded, unexplainably stuttering.

Hyunjin smiled at him, then he furrowed his eyebrows. It made Minho nervous, very nervous. His hands started to sweat and he avoided Hyunjin's eyes.

"When you came to me in the library you were going to ask me something, right? But you didn't, because Woojin was there." Hyunjin states and before Minho got to say anything he continued.

"Well, whatever it is you can tell me! But I'm concerned for you, you look worried or scared. Maybe both. I saw you in the vegetable section so I walked into you on purpose so we would start talking. You know, we don't know each other that well."

Minho didn't know what to say. Hyunjin was good at reading people and very smart. It felt like he was reading Minho's thoughts.

"I know what you're think, I'm weird and shit. But please, tell me what you were going to say." Hyunjin said, laying a hand on Minho's shoulder.

"Well..." Minho began and five minutes later he had told Hyunjin everything about the letters.

Hyunjin blinked a few times. His eyes were wide and his jaw had dropped.

"That's fucking... horrible." He said and looked Minho in the eyes.

Minho couldn't read his expression but it was maybe fear and concern. Hyunjin looked at their surroundings and grabbed Minho by the hand and dragged him out of the store (after paying of course).

He dragged Minho all the way home to his house on the other side of the town. It had became dark and Minho just wanted to go home.

Hyunjin locked the door and dragged down every curtain in the house. Minho just stood there in the hall, not knowing what to do in Hyunjin's house.

Everything was so spotless and tidy, he was afraid something would break if he touched it.

Hyunjin had taken off the thick jacket and the scarf, gesturing to Minho to follow him upstairs and before Minho got to complain Hyunjin was gone up the stairs.

"Goddammit..." Minho said and took off his jacket and left the groceries and went up after Hyunjin.

If the downstairs rooms were pretty the rooms upstairs were stunning. The walls colors were warm and soft. The furnitures looked kind of old but they weren't dusty or broken. It looked like he had entered a mansion.

The boys entered a room Minho assumed were Hyunjin's room. Kpop poster hung on the wall and the bed was flooded of plushies. The room wasn't as tidy as the rest of the house. This didn't look like Hyunjin's room, it looked like a fangirls room.

"Sorry for the mess." Hyunjin said and took a step over a pile of clothes.

"It's okay..." Minho said.

He was awkwardly standing by the door, waiting for Hyunjin to say something.

Hyunjin didn't say anything though, he just patted at the spot beside him on the bed. Minho hesitatingly took the spot, glancing over at Hyunjin.

"I'm not letting you go until it's light outside." Hyunjin suddenly said.

✎ ✎ ✎


hope you enjoyed the chapter :3
and i hope you're not having cramps

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