✎ letter fourteen

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Minho shut off his phone, laying it on the table again. He shouldn't have read that, now he won't be able to leave Jisung alone. Not a single second. What if his admirer already have killed him?

Minho ran up the stairs, checking the bathroom. There was no one there. He ran to his room, reviled he found Jisung there. The younger smiled at him when he entered the room.

A sigh of revile left Minho's lips and he sat down beside Jisung on the bed.

"Where am I going to sleep?" Jisung asked him.

"In my bed." Minho answered without hesitation.

Jisung looked down in his lap and smiled weakly.

"Where are you going to sleep then?" He asked.

Minho hadn't thought about that. With his brother maybe? They had shared a bed together before.

"I don't know. On a mattress on the floor, I guess." Minho shrugged.

"But you should sleep in your own bed, I can sleep on the floor." Jisung said hurriedly.

"My house, I make up the rules. You're sleeping in my bed and I'm sleeping on the floor." Minho stated.

Chan came into Minho's room and the younger boys quieted. He looked at his little brother and what he supposed was his boyfriend and sighed.

"Can't you two just share the bed? Then no one will have to sleep on the floor." Chan said and left.

An awkward silence laid in between them. Jisung's cheeks were a pretty pink color and Minho felt the heat rise upon his own. Their eyes met and Jisung instantly looked away.

Minho promised himself he would get his revenge on Chan someday.

The boy beside him were avoiding his eyes at all cost. His cheeks had become reddish.

"Err... I can sleep on the floor..." Minho whispered.

"No it's okay, we can share the bed, right?" Jisung's words made Minho's heartbeat speed up.

Minho looked at the younger boy, gazing into his eyes. Jisung's cheeks seemed to become redder and he hid his face in his hands.

"Don't look at me like that!" He squealed.

Minho raised an eyebrow at Jisung even though he couldn't see it. Were Minho looking at Jisung in a special way?

"Like what?" He asked Jisung and reached out to touch the youngers shoulder.

Jisung fliched when Minho touched him and stiffened afterwards. He lowered his hands from his face and moved Minho's hand away from him. He looked into Minho's eyes for three seconds before looking away.

"Like if you think of me as more than a friend." Jisung whispered.

Minho was taken aback. Did he really look at Jisung like that? Did he think of Jisung as more than a friend? Thoughts filled his mind and he didn't know what to respond. Jisung looked at his hands in his lap.

"Is that something bad...?" Minho asked after some time.

"No! It's just... it makes me nervous!" Jisung exclaimed, shaking his head violently.

"Do you perhaps like me—"

"No! What makes you think that!" Jisung yelled, his cheeks burning.

Minho didn't respond. Jisung's burning cheeks were enough proof. He smiled softly at the younger even though he didn't see it. It felt kind of weird knowing someone liked you. Jisung wasn't like his secret admirer.

Jisung was sweet, cute and kind. He probably had a stuffed animal he slept with. Minho giggled at the thought.

"You know, it's okay if you are." Minho trailed, his hand reaching out to touch Jisung again.

"But I'm not!" Jisung yelled, hitting Minho with a pillow.

Minho just sat still. Jisung wasn't very strong. After some time hitting Minho with the pillow he gave up and hid his face in it instead.

Minho reached out and petted Jisung's fluffy hair. The younger yelled something into the pillow but Minho couldn't make out any words. He just giggled at the younger.

He's so cute, Minho thought.


i realized it isn't much minsung in this story, more murder
well here's some minsung :3
hope you enjoyed ~~

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