Water and Oil

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Natsu pov

"How come, she can call out your dumbass pink hair but when I do it I get a speech" Grey yelled at me while I was putting away my spray paint cans.

"Because your not a cute blonde and could you shut up she's my roommate you dumbass stripper" I whisper yell

"I'm not a-" Grey stopped and looked down to see his shirt had disappeared

"See" I said still thinking about her, the way she moved and talked. Her cute stutter and her beautiful brown eyes.

"Whatever I've gotta go finish my room" Gray said leaving my room.

Lucy the oil painter you've got my attention.


Levy's Pov

I was running down the hallway but got lost.

"Where the hells the exsit" I whisper sing to myself.

"Oi shrimp you got straight down and turn left" a ruff voice said.

"I'm not a Shrimp!" I yelled coming face to face with the cute guy  I seen at Lucy's room.

"Whatever you say Shrimp" he said and walked away.

"Your Just to tall and thanks for the directions" I yelled and ran for my shop.

Lucy's pov
"Hi my names Juvia"  and girl with blue hair said walking in greeted.

"I-Im Lucy's nice to meet you, what's you art" I asked trying to keep the stuttering to a minimum.

"Juvia's Art is water painting" she said in third person,Unusual but okay .

"Cool I've f-found waters p-paints really b-beautiful" I said talking through it at this point.

"Yes Juvia loves the way they work together also if you don't mind Juvia asking why do you stutter" she asked blunt. I took a deep breath and explained.

"When I-I was a little girl my father would hate it when I talked. He said I sounded t-to much l-like my late mother. So one day he s-sad if he h-heard me t-talk he'd h-hit me. I didn't believe him so I asked why like a k-kid would but h-he wasn't joking. Every tine I s-spoke he w-would hit me and soon I f-forgot what talking was but slowly figured it o-out again"  I said looking at her she was crying?


"T-Thanks Juvia, were g-going to be g-good friends" I said hugging her back.

"Juvia agrees" she said.

Juvias pov

Juvia felt bad for making her new friend re-think bad memories but she seemed okay with it. Juvia vows to protect her new friend no matter what. Juvia was happy she at least has one friend here, hell her roommate doesn't even acknowledge her talk. He's like an extra from an anime.

Juvia walked into her room to finish unpacking and came across an old art work of hers.

It was a boy and a girl. the girl was trapped in a bottle of water as to where the boy was trapped in ice. Both wanting each other.

"Hey J-Jvia would y-you l-like to join me for a-a w-walk around the house" Her friend Lucy asked.

"Yes Just give Juvia a second" She said placing the art on her bed and joined her.

While walking with Lucy, Juvia found out that the Zodiac sighs inspire the blonde and Juvia found that amazing because she's seen Zodiac work before but Lucy's was incredible.

"Juvia thinks your  art is the best thing she's seen in a while" She said as she watch Lucy turn pinks and said

"N-No I-It's r-really not t-that good b-but t-thank y-you a-Anyways y-your a-arts b-beautiful t-to" the shy girl stutter her face still pink.

"Juvia thanks you, She finds it difficult for people to thank her because she's always painting very dark blues and greys" She told her while looking at the floor.

Lucy's pov

"N-No I think I-it's nice to be k-know by a t-theme e-even if it's colours"  I told her while she looked at the floor of the living room.

We both walked over to the very big couch and began to talk about our randomness and they water and oil don't mix. Lucy inwardly smiled at her bad joke as Juvia talked about her favourite colours of blue.


And that's it 🤗
I hope it didn't suck, if you see any mistakes please point them out
Also don't forget to
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Ps: I don't own any of the characters and all credit goes to the artist of the art

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