Gold paints and Highlights

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(Quick thing before you read, I don't fully hate Lissana, so I shall not make her evil or whatever others do thank you)
Natsu POV

I was placed next to an old friend of mine. Lissana and I meet in high school she was my childhood crush. Now she just a friend ever since she had gotten with another dude named Bickslow.

"Natsu are you listening!?" She screamed pulling me from my thoughts. People running around panicked.

"What's happening," I asked

"We're supposed to be painting,
What inspires us you daft pink idiot" she said laughing.

"It's not pink, it's salmon!" I yelled

"It's waist up plus face. Don't fuck up," she said going to get paint.

"Okay okay, I can do this, what inspires me."

I racked my brain for things that I love.
Wendy, Meat, Dad, Happy, Dragons, Fire.

"FIRE!" I yelled and got an idea and went to get paint.

Lucy's Pov

I looked at the model in front of me, she was of average height and she had black hair.

"M-My names L-Lucy," I said while opening various blues and golds.

"My names Claire." She said taking off her robe and stood on a dark blue platform.

"I-I've n-never body p-painted b-before, S-So s-sorry if I h-hurt you," I said and began to paint.

"Don't worry you be fine, I trust you. Now, what's your idea" she asked standing up straight as I applied a base coat.

"I-I p-plan on m-making y-you an
h-human e-embodiment of m-my favourite Z-Zodiac s-sign," I said beginning to airbrush whites.

"What's the sign," she asked.

" A-Aquarius" I mumbled.

"Oh my gosh, that's so cool my sign is Aquarius," She said before I began to work on her face.

I put the airbrush down and looked around and seen so many different styles of art. I glanced and Juvia and seen she was partnered with Grey both of them did opposites she did water he did ice.

"Oi cute small blonde, can I see your gold glitter paint," my desk partner Cana said with a bit of a slur.

She's a drunk taro card painter, meaning she painted what she's seen on the cards and gave it a twist.

"S-sure h-here," I said sliding it to her.

"Painters you have 1 hour left," Marijane said over a speaker.

"Fuck" I whispered
My model laughed


Greys pov
I painted the whites on the model's body to look as if it seemed like cracking Ice.

I looked over to the bluenette and seen she was painting watermarks when she should airbrush them. I should say something before it's too late.

"Juvia airbrush the watermarks painting them looks sloppy," I said looking at her model.

A little girl in a white and blue dress stood with an umbrella holding a white doll with a black face. As rain began to fall around her. Then as you go higher up you see a girl with a pretty smile and a light. Almost resembling Juvia.

"Grey-sama do you need Juvia? She asked looking at me.

"Grey and when you make watermarks use the airbrush for highlights," I said walking away and continuing my work.

"Highlights" I heard Juvia whisper and I smiled.

"Painters hurry and add your finishing touches, IN 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" Marijane yells while walking in the centre of the room.

"Please go to the stage with your models and wait" she said walking away.

"Damn it Juvia forgot to add black to Teru dress" Juvia said under her breath

"It's fine" I laughed and made my way to the stage.


And that's it

Thanks for fucking reading it.
(Sorry I can't control my swearing.)
if you see any mistakes please point them out
Also, don't forget to
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Ps: I don't own any of the characters and all credit goes to the artist of the art

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