Game Day

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(AN/ titles are hella hard to think of) 
Lucy's Pov

"WAKE UP PAINTERS, it's GAME DAY!" A loud voice screamed causing me to fall out my bed.

"EEH," I said I laid on the floor tangled in my blankets.

All of a sudden a flash of pink opens my room door.

"Are you okay, I heard a crash" Natsu said scanning the room and then seen me on the floor and turned pink.

See I have this problem where I undress in my sleep when my body gets too hot and usually end up in just a bra and shorts. Last night was one of those nights.

"I-I F-fell o-off B-Bed" I said quickly pulling my blankets over my chest.

"N-No I-I'm S-Sorry" Natsu stutters, his face as red as fire, Slamming my door he left.

I laughed
He sounds cute when he stutters

"W-WAIT N-NO," I said standing up heading towards the bathroom for a quick shower.

Natsu Pov

"WAKE UP PAINTERS, it's GAME DAY!" A loud voice screamed causing to push my head further into my pillows.

I shot straight up and looked around
I wonder what that was.
"EEH" A feminine voice screeched.

"Are you okay, I heard a crash"
I ran to her room and looked around her room to see if anything fell and then looked at her. Blonde hair laid on beautiful skin. I scanned her up and down and realize she was naked. I felt my body flush pink.

I-I F-fell o-off B-Bed" She said quickly pulling the blankets over herself.

N-No I-I'm S-Sorry" I stutter slamming her room door.

"Her-She- they-big" I said covering my hands with my face walking to my room.

"Stop being a pervert Natsu Dragneel" I said getting dressed.



Painters ranging from all types sat in a room with different coloured walls and couches.
Lucy had met up with Juvia and Gajeel.
Natsu meet with Grey.

Lucy's Pov
"So b-both y-you a-and Gajeel w-went to the s-same s-school" I asked Juvia.

"Your correct, Juvia meet Gajeel at an art university," Juvia said glancing at Gajeel.

"Yeah, anyways Cheerleader hows rooming with the pink bastard," He asked.

"I-it's-" I said thinking about what happen this morning "interesting," I said.

"Oi are we makin fun of Natsu I want in. He went somewhere an I can't find him" A black hair boy said as he stood next to Gajeel.

"I'm Grey," he said and I looked over at Juvia and seen her face turn pink.

"I-I'm Lucy and t-this I-is my g-good
f-friend Juvia" I said grabbing her placing her in front of me.

Juvia looked at me surprised by the sudden movement.

"I like your hat" Grey said pointing at the Russian style hat that matched her dark blue dress.

"Oh t-thanks Juvia likes y-your necklace" She said pointing at his chest there hung a silver cross.


"GOOD MORNING PAINTERS!" The scream from earlier interrupted Grey.
"Elfman stop screaming," a soft voice said walking in the room.

"Good morning painters my name is Mirajane," A white hair girl said pushing a boy who looked exactly like her.

"Now I'm the "host" for this and there are some rules that you may or may not know" She said holding hands together.

"W-wait y-your MiraJane y-your so p-pretty I-in p-person" I yelled out loud by accident. My brain finally registered Flores best model.

"Aw thank you, Now let's get the rules," She said and began.


"Now that we've got that in order, please go to the room over, find your name and you will begin your very first paint" She said and left.

"Juvia thinks she's gonna pass out if she has to paint a male body like Mira said" Juvia said looking at me as we made our way to the room.

"N-No It-think w-we will b-be fine," I said looking for my name.

The room was scattered with benches each art bench was huge and had two name tags. I found mine, I'm sharing with a girl named Cana.

Juvia's Pov

Juvia found her name that's good right?
Not when she's sharing a bench with a hot boy with black hair known as

I stood there and closed my eyes.
Juvia can do this. She's made it this far. All she has to do is win and then she can move out and never see him again.
Juvia felt tears build in the back of her eyes.

"Are you okay, ya'know whoever has made a beautiful girl as you cry is an idiot" A voice asked, Juvia opened her eyes seen a boy with light blue hair said.

"No, no Juvia is just nervous," I said blushing at his comment of her being beautiful.

"Well I'm Lyon and I just wanted to see you smile, your very pretty Juvia," he said grabbing my hand and held into his mouth.

"Eeh Lyon-sama please let go of Juvia's hand" I said trying to get my hand back.

"Lyon she said stop" a cold voice said sending chills down Juvia's spine and grabbed her wrist.

"Oh great your here Grey," Lyon said glaring at my savour who was actually Grey-sama.

"Anyways bye Juvia my love," Lyon said walking away.

"He's always been a creep, if he bothers you just get me." Grey-sama said letting go of her wrist.

"Thank you Grey-sama, Juvia will thank you" I said looking everywhere but his face.

"EEH no please don't call me that, Just Grey," Grey-sama said.

"Okay, Grey-sama," I said hugging him.

"Hello painters, you all are going to jump right into this and begin with what inspires you. What drives you to paint!" Mirajane said looking at all of us and people in black robes filled into the room.

"You have 2 hours painters, have fun"

We all went into a panic


And that's it
I know Juvia's speech was all over the place, sorry.
Anyways hope you enjoyed it and It didn't fucking suck.
if you see any mistakes please point them out
Also don't forget to
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Ps: I don't own any of the characters and all credit goes to the artist of the art

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