Story time

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(AN/ I'm just so fucking creative with titles, anyways I hope you like this and it doesn't fucking suck)

Natsu pov

"You dumbass stripper"
I yelled

"Squinty eyes" Grey yells back

"Droopy eyes" I yelled back

"Oi damned idiots shut up" Greys, Gajeel yelled.

"Why, all your doing is reading" Gery yelled

"And I can't hear myself read so shut up" Gajeel yelled.

"Whatever anyway how's you and Lucy" Grey said teasing me.

"She fine and I'm great, what about you Gajeel" I said desperately trying to change the subject.

"You like the stuttering blonde cheerleader?" Gajeel questioned.

"I find her cute yes" I blushing.

"Haha you won't get with her"
He said laughing

"Why's that"
I asked

"Because sure you may look like a cool mysterious guy but you can't even-"

Read or write" Gery suddenly added before Gajeel could speak.

"No I act calm around her not to scare her and I can read and write" I said crossing my arms.

"Please you can read and write like a four year old" Gery said while laughing.

"Lucy I'm having the worlds worst da- your not Lucy this isn't Lucy's room" A short girl with blue hair walked in and looked around.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry" she bowed and ran

"Did she bow?" Grey asked

"That's Shrimp, this place confuses her" Gajeel said getting up.

"Where you going" Grey yells

"Don't worry" he yells back.

"Well I'm hungry" I said getting up and went back to my own room.

Levy's pov

I cant believe I walked into the wrong room. urgh this place confuses me.
There's so many rooms.

I kept walking until I felt someone touch my petite shoulder.

"Hey Shrimp." The guy yesterday said.

"It's not Shrimp." I said looking at him

"Sure it's not anyways short stuff the rooms are numbered by letters, and I know the fuckers who built this place were high but that aside do know your friends letter" He said leaning against the wall.

"First of all its Levy and No I wouldn't be lost if I knew her letter now would I" I snapped sarcastically hand on hip.

"Damn Shrimp no need to get feisty and come on let's check the living room.

Natsu pov

I walked in and seen the blonde beauty sleeping on the couch of our dorm.her hair wrapped around her face. I walked to my room and grabbed and blanket and laying across her.

"There ya go Luce" I said and went to work on a new sketch.

(AN/ Natsu's painting above)

"It took me for fucking ever but it's done" I said out loud taking a step back to look at my work.

"It's beautiful" a voice said

"AH" I held my work to my chest

"I-I'm S-Sorry, I-I d-didn't M-Mean to S-scare y-ou" Lucy said her stutter out of control.

"No my fault also nice pay back for the first time" I said placing the work on the canvas stand.

"I-It's d-does l-look a-amazing" she said getting close to it.

"W-who are t-the people" she asked looking at me her brown eyes full of curiosity.

"Well the girl and the boy have been friends forever and soon they realize they both have feelings for each other"
I said giving at brief description of what was going on in my head.

"D-did you u-use spray p-paints?" She asks

"Yep and air brush for the really thin areas" I said.

"So cool" she said not stuttering.

"Yeah, Anyways would you like to go get food" I asked praying she says yes.

"I-I'd l-love to" she said.

Gajeel's pov

Shrimp talked for hours it seemed but I didn't mind.She decided her friend would want food so we're waiting in the kitchen. Shrimp is really smart, she owns a library and everything.

"So yeah, what about you?" She asked looking at me

"What yee mean shrimp" I asked.

"Your in this competition what led you here and what's your art" she spoke softly, Ive never been asked that question before

"What led me here" I said out loud pondering her question.

"Oi I guess I was a 15 years old kid, who never new his mother. Father was a flake at times. Not that he was a bad father it's just sometimes he would disappear for days and that pissed me off. When he wouldn't come home I was bored as fuck so I decided to rebel and get a bunch of piercings and do bad shit but he came home on day pretty fucked up and it was because we were almost gonna lose the house so I quit all that shit and decide to try something else. To scary to babysit and to fucked to work with people. So I tried painting. I had always liked drawing. Then one day a teacher of mine said I should try Ink wash paint which is badass. But yeah I'd sell them and get money but then pops died so...yeah" Why the fuck did I just tell a girl I've never meet my whole fucking life story.Shes probably gonna think I'm insane.

I looked at the shrimp and seen she had tears at the corner of her eyes and she was smiling. Cute

"Oi What what's wrong Shrimp" I huffed.

"You look so mean but your just a softy and your so cool, trying to help your dad" Shrimp cried

"Oi Shrimp If ya'don't stop crying im gonna leave you here in this confusing building" I said looking at her as she wiped tears away.

"Thanks for your help though and for telling me" she said brushing blue strands out her face.

"Yeah yeah don't mention it" I said

"Un would you like-"

"Hey Levy What you doing here" the cheerleader interrupted.

"I was here to see you but then got lost" she said sheepishly and continued.
"Gajeel was trying to help me find you"

"Yo" The pink headed idiot said beside her.

"Hn" I said back.

"W-Well w-were just gonna e-eat, wanna j-join" Cheerleader said

"Sure" Shrimp said,
Well fuck I wanted to talk more with Shrimp.


And that's it
It fucking sucked anyways
if you see any mistakes please point them out
Also don't forget to
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Ps: I don't own any of the characters and all credit goes to the artist of the art

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