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(Lowkey last chapter fucking sucked/ so I hope this ones better:)
Lucy's pov
My dress, My fucking dress made jaws drop. Erza was completely immobile, Laxus sat up straighter and Yukino looked proud.

Greys jaw open,Natsu smiled,Juvia laughed and Gajeel smirked

She walked out with a fiery walk, she growled and bared the fake fangs at the others making them feel intimidated.

I love it
I was proud, I've never been more proud of myself. I did amazing, the colours made it look like she was on fire from the inside. The way it curved at her hips and legs with skin showing might get me points off but the white and silver body glitter makes up for it, I hope.

The lights turned back on. All the models lined back up, standing in a line.

"Well Painters I'm proud to call you my idiots, you've all grown so much" Laxus winked at me and continued
"Now one of you leave today but you've done me damn proud" he yelled and then sat back down.

"Yes like he said we're all very proud" Mirajane said and looked at everyone and then sat down.

"The winner of today's concept will receive both new body paints and the next advantage, Now please go wait" Erza said.

We all shuffled to the waiting room, some sat and others swayed. I sat down in a chair and picked paints out of my nails, body glitter everywhere until a cold but warm hands placed themselves on my shoulders.

"Ya'know you totally won~" Natsu whispered in my ear, shivers went down my spine

"Ya think~" I tilted my head back and challenged

"Definitely~" he nuzzled my neck

"Ahem" Grey coughed and everyone was staring at us.

"Ooh s-Sorry!" I exclaimed and covered my face

"Oi fucker, don't come at her, you and Juvia be playin the same game" Gajeel said and sat down.

We all sat in silence until Mariajane bursted in
"Let's go!!"
And we all followed her to the front to face our fates.

Laxus stood there arms folded and scowling.
"Let's get this over with, Meredy you're time with us has been great but it's time for you to leave, Lucy your dress has finally set you apart from everyone else, Congratulations you've won this round"

I-I won, I couldnt move.

"I fucking won! hell Yeah!" I screamed

"Hell yeah ya did blondie!" Gajeel yelled.

"Your voice is very pretty with out the stutter" Meredy said and she hugged me.

"I-i Thank y-you" I hugged back

"Yes you've won, now please tomorrow will be different, unusual, it will be the stepping stone as there are now only 7 of you left and I want to see passion and hard work tomorrow got it!" Erza said crossing her arms.

Stunned to hear that we've made it so far and that we've lost so many,We all just looked at her.

"You heard the women, Go" A dark but soothing voice rang from the stage.
He stood a tattoo across his eyes and black and blue jacket around him. Known to many as Jellal and outlandish painter with a scary past.

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