Fires, Children, and Free Falling

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~Fifteen minutes later~

I had finished my shower, got dressed, and walked out of the bathroom. Clint smirked at me and walked into the bathroom. I proceeded to put everything back into my bag ready to leave just in case. I then brushed my hair, put it in a ponytail, and slipped on some shoes. I went over to bang on the bathroom door. "Clint! I'm going downstairs to order some food!"

I grabbed a key card and my wallet and went out the door. I stepped onto the elevator and hit the button for the first floor. When I got to the first floor; I walked toward the front desk. "Hi, do you have any restaurant brochures that deliver to the hotel?"

The hotel employee looked up, "Yes, yes!" He proceeded to hand me a menu with the name Local Korner. At the top it states, "Rakd össze saját pizzádat!" Create your own pizza! It gave me a bunch of different toppings, two sizes, soups, pasta, salads, and a dessert. I call the number on the menu.

"Helló, szia ez Local Korner szeretne kipróbálni a prémium pizza," asked the man that answered the phone. Hello, this is the Local Korner, would you like to try our premium pizza?

"Nem, köszönöm. Mit szállít a easyHotel? Kaphatok egy normal 42cm pizza fele pedig paradicsom és BBQ szósszal kevert, kolbász, pepperoni, és a gomba?" I answered. No, thank you. Do you deliver to the easyHotel? Can I get a normal 42cm pizza with half being tomato and BBQ sauce mixed, sausage, pepperoni, and mushrooms?

"Igen, igen. És mi a másik fele?" Yes, Yes. And what on the other half?

"Um, szeretnék, sonka és ananász. Kérem és köszönöm." Um, I would like, ham and pineapple. Please and thank you. I looked up and saw the front desk employee looking at me.

"Akkor beszéli a nyelvünket?" he asked me. You can speak our language?

I smirked at him and answered in English, "Yes." I had answered the employee's question and answered the man on the phone about when the pizza would be here. I hung up the phone, smirked at the hotel employee, and handed him the menu back.

*fire alarm*

"Ez a tüzjelzö lépjen ki az épület egy nyugodt, rendezett módon," the hotel employee stated. That's the fire alarm please exit the building in a calm and orderly fashion.

I glanced at him. "A fire!"

"Yes, ma'am please exit the hotel. Through the doors behind you."

"I can't do that. My friend is up in our room still. Please, you have to let me go get him!"

"We will be sure to get him; no worries. Now, please exit the building through the doors behind you," he finished in broken English.

I huffed and walked out the door. I walked across the street toward a coffee shop and turned to look at the hotel. I saw the big puffs of smoke coming from the building a couple floors higher than ours.

I heard some scratching come from the com-link in my ear. I pressed the button, "Clint! Clint, can you hear me!"

"Nat! Nat, where in the heck are you? And did you know that the hotel is on fire," he responded.

I sighed, "Yes, Clint, I know. Now can you please get out of there. Oh, and this is the last time I let you pick the hotel we stay in."

"Well, I'm sorry. It was cheap."

"Clint, it's SHIELD's money. It doesn't matter how much we spend on a place to stay. Just grab the stuff we can talk about it later," I replied shaking my head.

"Yea, yea. Where are you?"

"Out front. Where are you?"

I saw a window open on the fourth floor, "you didn't..." Clint's head popped out the window. "He freaking did!"

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