Nuclear Engineer

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~November 3, 2009~

It's the third day now that I have been protecting this nuclear engineer. I'm now escorting him out of Iran. The ferry we have to take is about five minutes from the docking station. We still have a way to go to get to our destination.

Over the intercom comes the Captain's voice, "My budemo stykubannyam cherez p'yat' khvylyn. Bud' laska, bud'te hotovi." We will be docking in five minutes. Please be ready.

We were now about thirty minutes out of Odessa, when I heard two loud pops. I was suddenly had trouble controlling the vehicle. I knew that if we lost control there would be nowhere else to go, but over the cliff.

"Ah, what going on?" the engineer said, in broken English.

"I don't know two of the tires seemed to pop. I'm trying to slow down and keep control." I grunted at him.

I heard another pop. I shook my head as the car started heading for the edge of the cliff. I was like slow motion the car flying off the cliff. The engineer's face; while holding on to the door handle, and the seat. I looked back out the windshield. I thought about Sebastian; how I wouldn't get to see him grow up and go through life. I thought about Clint. I thought about how I wouldn't get to see them again, hold them, kiss them, and talk to them. I was suddenly glad that the last thing I said to the both of them was that I love them, and that Clint couldn't come with me. Sebastian deserved to at least have one parent still alive.

The car hit the cliff and started rolling. Things were flying everywhere. Little by little the car was taking a toll. The engineer seemed to be unconscious because he was just flopping around. We were still tumbling as we hit the base of the cliff.

We finally rolled to a stop. The car was upside down, and everything hurt. I looked over at the engineer; he was still passed out. I braced myself against the roof of the car and took out my new knife Sebastian got me. It was made with a seatbelt cutter and window breaker. I cut the seat belt off me, fell to the roof.

I broke the remaining glass in the driver side area and crawled out of the car. I stood up slowly, looking around. I turned and glanced at the tires of the car. I walked up to them my eye sight being a little blurry. I blinked a couple of times to clear the image. I tried again; the tires looked flat obviously, but I can't seem to see anything wrong with them.

I stumbled over to the passenger side of the vehicle. I bent down and looked in on the engineer. I knocked out the rest of the glass in the window, and then I grabbed him. I pulled him to me; while I was cutting his seatbelt. I put the knife back into my pocket. As he fell with a thud. I stood up and dragged him out of the car. I placed him on the ground near some big rocks.

I went back over to the car and climbed in to grab my bag. I found it and pulled it out. I brought it over to the engineer. I checked to see if he was still breathing; he was. I shook him awake and had him sit up for me. He shifted to lean up against a big rock as I kneeled down in front of him. I opened my emergency bag to look for the EVAC device. Every mission we go on we get a cell phone looking device that is always ready to call for an EVAC. While looking for it I found a thin foil like blanket. I flipped it over him and pulled out the device.

I heard footsteps coming toward us. About the time I turned to see who it was, there was loud bang. I felt an immense amount of pain in my stomach. I caught a glimpse of a figure in all black and a silver metal arm as he was walking away. I glanced at the engineer. He was slumped over with the blanket at his waist, and a bullet hole in his chest. I pressed down on the wound in my stomach and knew it was a through and through. I pressed the call button on the device and sat it down. I also knew that I had to stop the bleeding as fast as I could. I took the foil blanket and made two long strips in it. Wrapped it around me and tied it of the wound. I picked up the device again. Just as I lost consciousness Coulson answered the phone.

I was able to whisper one word into the phone as everything went black, "Help..."

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