Cognitive Recalibration and Loki

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The helicarrier got hit by something. Everyone gets thrown in every direction. Steve, Fury, Thor and Stark are thrown across the room; while Banner and I are thrown down in to the lower equipment room.

Fury comes on over the ear piece, "Hill!"

Hill responds with, "We lost engine three. The turbine's loose. Mostly intact, but it's impossible to get out there and make repairs while we're in the air. We lose one more engine, we won't be in the air much longer. Somebody's got to get inside and patch that engine."

"Stark! You copy that?!" Fury says.

"I'm on it!" he replies.

Fury says something else, but I don't catch it as I turn around to look at Banner. Banner is shaking, and growing. He is starting to lose control. I pull myself free of the beam that had trapped my ankle. Two guys come running down the hall to try and help. I wave them away, and mouth to them to get out of here. "Bruce, you have to fight it. This is just what Loki wants. We're going to be okay. Listen to me. We're going to be okay. Right? I swear on my life I will get you out of this, you will walk away, and never..." I trailed off has he yells at me.

"Your life!" he fully changes now and growls.

He glances at me; a look of full rage. My eyes widen in fear, I jump up, and start up the stairs. He rips the stairs away, and I barely have enough time to slid through the railing, and roll under a turbine, I start running through the maze of pipes, and the Hulk pulls them out from above the catwalk. I fall through, and under the catwalk and quickly disappear. I continue to walk silently trying to make no noise, and listen for him. The room vibrates, I pull out my gun, and turn around. There is a roar, and I see his head. I shoot the pipe above him, which lets out some nitrogen and hits him in the face. I turn around and start running again, while the Hulk follows behind me. I'm not fast enough, and he hits me from behind. I smash into a wall, and fall to the floor. The Hulk steps in front of me, he raises a hand, and then gets knocked of his feet by Thor. They go flying into another room on the carrier.

I let out the breath I was holding. Relieved to still be alive. I don't think I want to deal with the Hulk again. I sit down on the ground to try and catch my breath. I started thinking about my kids; maybe it's time I think about retiring. At least to just training recruits or a desk job. I feel the carrier start to lean to one side. We lost another engine. Over the ear piece I hear its engine 1.

Fury comes on over it, "It's Barton. He took out our systems. He's headed for the detention level. Does anybody copy?"

Still shaken up, I answer his call, "This is Agent Romanoff. I copy." I stand up and run for the detention level.

As I get there I notice him about to pass where I'm at. I jumped down silently behind him. He spins quickly with a nocked arrow and points is at me. I moved just in time for him to release it, it missed me by inches. I raised an eyebrow Clint never misses. So, that must mean he is fighting it, whatever control Loki has on him. I look into Clint's eyes while blocking a blow from him. They aren't his normal blue eyes that our son shares. They are brighter, and I don't like them. He comes at me again, I kick him in the chest, slid down under the catwalk, and come up behind him. I kick him again making him stumble. He nocked another arrow and fired at me missing again. We jump to the other catwalk. He swings the bow at me, I dodge and catch it. He uses my momentum against me and pushes me in to the railing. He tries to knee me, but I block it and back handed him in the face. I have his bow now, and I tossed it gently away. He pulls a knife out and runs at me. I block him, and kick him away. He comes back, and goes to stab me. I grab his arm twist it and he drops the knife into his other hand, and calls out in pain. He slashes at me, I grab that hand down, and twist it so it's at his throat. He grabs my hair and pulls it. I glare at him now; oh he is going to get it now dick move Clint. I raise up and bite his forearm. He lets go of the knife, and bends us over. I flip around his arm, so I'm stand up again. I then use my momentum to fling him in to the rail where he hits his head. He struggles to get back up, and when he finally does he looks at me the eyes of bright blue. "Tasha?" he mutters.

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