Fighting and Surfing

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*December 1, 2008*

About three weeks have passed, and they have been the toughest weeks of my life. Trenton still gives me tons of trouble. Although I have gotten to know many of the cadets; there is one cadet that I have gotten to know very well. Alex Ross was a girl that had been picked on her whole life. I have spent extra time with her teaching her, getting to know her, and just talking to her. I learned that she was just like me in a way; well besides being brought up as a Russian Assassin. She lost her parents at a young age. She was moved from place to place, and never given a stable home. I introduced her to Sebastian and Clint, we invited her to come with us to dinner many times. Just giving her someone to call a close friend. She has become a very good friend and hangs out with Sebastian as much as she can. We basically adopted her into our family as well. Today I decided the cadets would do some self-defense training against each other.

"Alright everyone grab a partner, and start sparing." I told them.

They got to work, and about an hour in I heard the gym's doors open. I didn't bother to look up. Usually it was Hill or Fury, just checking to see if I had killed anyone yet.

"Alex? Alex!" I heard Sebastian exclaim and saw him run at her. She crouched down and hugged him. He started telling her what he did in class today. He grabbed her hand, and pulled her toward Clint and I.

Next thing we all heard was laughing. "Well Ross, looks like you finally got someone to like you."

I frowned as I watched her look down at the ground. We had been working on this. She needs to stand up for herself. She was one of my best cadets, and she still takes Trenton's crap. I looked at Clint as this went down. He had been told about everything Trenton has done. He has also taken it upon himself to be super protective of her.

"What Ross, not going to say anything. Looks like the little brat here likes you. Well guess what brat. Ross isn't that special. She is stupid, she never does anything correctly, and she doesn't even talk." Trenton said.

Sebastian stepped forward toward Trenton. I tensed up, I wouldn't put it passed Trenton to do something irrational. "Don't talk about her that way!"

"Oh yeah, punk. What are you going to do about it?" Trenton questioned him.

I stepped forward to stop what was happening; when Clint stopped me and motioned to Alex. She was fuming. I smirked; I knew she would protect my son. They treated each other as if they are siblings. Although Trenton will have it coming to him.

"This is what I will do." Sebastian stated. Then walked up to Trenton and kicked him in the shin. Hard enough to make him fall to the ground in pain.

"Ouch, that hurt. You little brat." Trenton jumped back up, pulled his hand back and went for the hit.

I stepped forward even angrier, as did Clint, and Alex. Alex being closer grabbed Trenton's wrist before it could make contact. She jumped up and did the move I have been teaching her. The next thing Trenton knew was that he was on the floor, and he was losing air. He tapped out, and she let him go, but not before hitting him in his face. "If you ever, and I mean ever try to hit that little boy again I will hurt you, and so will his family. Which is most of the people in this place. Do you understand?"

He nodded his head and moved to get up. I was in his face the next second. "You messed up big time, Trenton."

"Why do you care? He should be taught not to hit his elders." He spat at me.

"Because that's my son you just tried to hit." I snarled at him.

His eyes went wide. "He is my godson." May and Coulson said at the same time walking in the training room.

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