Who's Patriotic Now?

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May 4th, 2012

It's been almost a year now, and Grayer and Scarlett have fit in with our friends and family so well. By Scarlett's second birthday, she was calling Clint and I, Momma and Dada. Grayer and Sebastian get along so well, and they both help us with Scarlett so much. Grayer finally decided on a name for his puppy; his name is Lucky. Sebastian and now Grayer, both do homeschooling with Sebastian's teachers; they also both do self-defense classes with May. Grayer sat with them one day, and asked May if he could join them. Scarlett scared us all the other day, she decided she wanted to start walking. Now we can't get her to sit still; she is like Clint in that way. His attention span is so small unless it's something he has to do.

Anyway, I am now on a mission in Russia, and Clint was in New Mexico again at the P.E.G.A.S.U.S Facility last time I talked to him. I'm tied to this chair while this pig of a man in front of me is going on and on about torturing me, and all I can think about is Grayer's birthday coming up and what we should do for it.

I look up at his thug when I see him move closer to me. He backhands me across the face. I tilt my head back and glare at him.

He starts speaking again in Russian, "This is not how I wanted the evening to go."

"I know how you wanted this evening to go. Believe me, this is better." I told him smirking.

"Who are you working for? Lermentov, yes?" He asked me.

The same thug that hit me, walked towards me again. This time he grabbed the chair I was in, and pushed it back to basically dangle me over a hole in the floor of this warehouse.

"Does he think we have to go through him to move our cargo?" He asked.

I struggled a bit to seem scared of what might happen. I glanced at him, "I thought General Solohob is in charge of the export business." I told him. His thug put me back down on all four legs of the chair.

"Solohob a bagman, a front." He walks closer to me. "Your outdated information betrays you."

He steps with arms reach, "The famous Black Widow and she turns out to be simply another pretty face.

"You really think I'm pretty?" I asked him.

He walks away from me, and nods to one of his thugs. The thug steps up again, and grabs a fist full of my hair, and squeezes my cheeks together. "Tell Lermentov we don't need him to move the tanks. Tell him he is out. Well..." The pig picks up a torture weapon.

Then in English says, "You may have to write it down."

The other thugs phone rings, "Yes? It's for her." He mumbles in Russian.

He sits the weapon down and takes the phone. "You listen carefully..." he trails off.

He looks around quickly stunned, he then walks towards me, and offers the phone. He put it between my ear and shoulder.

"We need you to come in." Coulson says on the phone.

"Are you kidding? I'm working." I tell him.

"This takes precedence." He replied.

"I'm in the middle of an interrogation and this moron is giving me everything." I say.

The moron answers, "I don't give everything."

I looked up at him, and raised an eyebrow. "Look you can't pull me out of this right now." I say to Coulson.

"Tasha...Barton's been compromised." He says.

I stopped breathing for a second, and started think of him and the kids. "Let me put you on hold."

I motioned for the pig/moron to take the phone; when he stepped up to grab the phone I kicked him in the knee. When he fell down I head butted him. I then stood up and kicked one thug, I dunked a punch from the other and hit him with my chair, I dropped to the ground and rolled with the chair towards the first thug, I jab with the chair, sit it on his foot, and hit with the back of my head. I stand back up and knock the second thug's legs out with the chair, and kick the first thug in between the legs. I used him as leverage and jumped into the air. I flipped and broke the chair over the second thug's back. I roll off him just to be grabbed by the first thug. I bent his fingers back, elbowed him in the kidney, punched him, and kicked him with both of my feet. I fell to the floor, and used that momentum to get back on my feet. I ran at him, jumped, wrapped both my legs around his neck, and threw myself towards the ground. This caused him to flip, and me to land on my feet again. The moron finally tried to get back up. I walked towards him and grabbed the chain hanging down into the hole in the floor. When he got up I pushed his head into a pole with all my strength. He lost balance, and I tied the chain to his leg and helped him fall over. He fell into the hole, and I walked away. I picked up the phone where it fell and my heels the thugs decided were too dangerous for me to wear.

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