b.h. ✧˖*°࿐

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[ i wrote this oneweird and i don'tfeel like going throughto fix it all,sorry! ]

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[ i wrote this one
weird and i don't
feel like going through
to fix it all,
sorry! ]

"she's beautiful." ben whispers as he held samantha close to him, the three of us sitting on our bed.

"listen samantha, even though your mum and i are both young, we promise to always be there for you. no matter what."

"we love you pumpkin." i add as i laid my head on ben's shoulder, smiling at our daughter.

samantha is now two months old, and wow, time sure does fly. i feel bad, ben has picked up three different jobs. during the day, he's a waiter at nandos, in the night, he's a bartender. and now, on saturday and sunday mornings, he's a paid intern in an office. not to mention the fact that he's going to college online.

i can't really do too much to stop him though, he's too persistent on him doing what he claims that he needs to do as a father and a boyfriend. which is nice of him, but i feel lazy just laying about the house. ben is constantly reassuring me that i'm fine, and that i'm taking care of our baby, which is true. i just hate not being able to help.

  i glance down at my phone as i held samantha on the couch, ben was due home an hour ago. "it's okay little sammy. daddy will be home soon." i coo as she began to fuss, wiggling her arms out of her swaddle.

eventually, i got sammy back to sleep, ben still hasn't come home.

i take sam upstairs, putting her in her bassinet before i tiptoed out of the room, taking a baby monitor with me.

slam a loud door made its way up the stairs. jesus christ ben i mumble to myself as i saw him struggling to take his converse off.

"ben. jones. why the hell are you just now home? it's 2 am!" i exclaim and rush him into the living room, his clearly drunken giggles too loud to be in the foyer.

  "i'm sorry y/n." ben giggles, dragging out the end of my name. "i needed a drinky my love. don't be mad!"

  "i'm not mad ben. you did promise however that you would be home to help do some of the chores though. and those were your words. not mine!" i say, crossing my arms as ben laid his head onto the back of the couch, his mouth falling open.

  "did you actually just fall a-fucking-sleep?" i ask, only to be answered by snores emitting from his mouth.

i sigh and roll my eyes before i properly lay ben down, placing a blanket over him as he slept.

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