Prologue - "They're sending us to earth."

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"Clarke, did I ever tell you the reason why I'm in here?"

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"Clarke, did I ever tell you the reason why I'm in here?"

"You don't have to do that Lydia. We agreed-"

"I know, but you told me what happened to your family. It only seems right."

Lyds Greystone could barely see a fragment of her friends face through the small hole in the wall as she spoke. Her and Clarke had never met beyond the prison walls, never recollected seeing one another in the winding corridors of the arc, never even brushed skin, and still Clarke Griffin was the only thing Lydia had left in the world. They'd spent almost two years in cells beside one another, passing notes using the scrap paper from the notebooks that Kane smuggled to the Greystone girl as a means to communicate. Clarke drew small sketches of Lyds fallen family members in exchange for her to read her stories to her and still, still the best friends had never spoken face to face.

If it hadn't been for their crimes they'd have met many moons ago.

"It was my thirteenth birthday and my dad was getting sick again, his heart was giving up. My mom woke me that morning and told me that she'd found a way to save my father, but I would have to help her, obviously i jumped at the chance... He needed a new part for his pacemaker so his heart wouldn't give out, so my mom arranged for a doctor to come over and perform the operation illegally without any of the proper equipment or medicines, we wouldn't have been able to afford it otherwise. It was my job to steal the part for his pacemaker... I know what you're thinking, I didn't get caught, but someone saw me do it and gave my family up to Jaha. Right after the operation was over the guards showed up and arrested my mom, i tried to fight them off but they put me in here instead, 'for my crimes against the people of the arc'. My mom was floated and my dad died anyway, i never got to say goodbye to either of them."

"Lydia, really you don't have to do this-"

"I didn't get to say goodbye to my best friend, Murphy, either... An end was put to my life for trying to save my father's, how fucked up is that?"

"Very fucked up." Clarke winced at her words, "But it'll all be over soon, just one more year... Who knows maybe Kane will get you out of this one?"

"His loyalty lies to my parents and they're dead. I'll be floated and that's the end of everything-"

"Lydia Greystone." a voice called as the door to the blonde girl's cell burst open.

A chill instantly flooded Lydia's veins, it couldn't be. Why were Kane and the guards in her cell? They couldn't float her, she wasn't eighteen yet. Why would Kane do this to her? He was supposed to be her god father, her family, but instead it seemed he'd betrayed her. Everything shed ever known was falling apart all at once.

"Give me your wrist." The guard spoke, his face barely visible behind the dusty visor.

Lyds shook her head, taking a step away from the man before he surged forwards and grabbed a hold of her arm himself, forcing what seemed to be a silver bracelet around her delicate skin.

"Kane, what's going on? what's happening?"

"You don't need to be worried." He told her, his eyes filled with sadness, "You're getting away from all of this-"

"You're floating me aren't you? Oh god, please you don't understand-"

Everything was blurring into one, how could he? Was this really how it was all going to end? It seemed like some sort of cruel joke, Kane had been the one to deliver Lydia into the world so it only made sense if he was the one to take her out of it.

"No! Please!" she cried out

"Lyds, you don't understand!" The older mans hands pressed to the sides of her face, "You're part of the 100, theyre sending you to the ground, you're getting out of here."

"The g-ground?" her blue eyes shone, "You mean to earth?"

"Yes. I made sure you were the first person on the list."

"But what about you? I'll never see you! And Murphy, and Clarke... and what if it isn't safe?"

"It's safe." The raven haired man lied, "You have to trust me, okay?

"I do trust you-"

"Then take her."

"What? Kane no... please, you can't do this to me, you can't!"

Desperately, she tried to fight the guards, to hide from their prying grasp but it was too late. Lyds was already backed into a corner, she'd ran out of options and her time was up.

"I'll find you again, I swear to you." He spoke as the two men dragged her away with the other prisoners. "I said i'd protect you and I will."

"Go to hell Kane."

The short girl regretted her words instantly, the look on his face said it all, the hurt behind his eyes, the venom in her words. She'd opened a wound that couldn't be healed, but it was too late for apologies, she could only watch as his figure receded into the distance all while she was pushed in the direction of the drop ship.

"I'm going to die out there aren't I?"

Neither of the guards reacted, they only shoved her forwards and she fell against a wall of other prisoners, immediately falling into step with them. So these were the people who she was going to be living with? or dying with...

"Are you scared?" a voice spoke, forcing her into reality.

A tall boy with black hair walked beside her, a guard on the other side of him, he stayed facing forwards but she knew he'd spoken to her, it couldn't have been anyone else. All the poor girl could do was nod, "That's okay, I'm shitting myself too if I'm honest, but don't tell anyone that."

"Shitting myself would be an understatement."

The boy let out a soft laugh, his voice barely above a whisper, "I'm Finn."

Lydia was silent for a moment, hesitant almost. She had an opportunity, she could tell him her name, continue to be the person she once was and let everyone feel sorry for her, for Kane's god daughter, or she could be Lyds. Just Lyds. The girl who no one knew, she could build a whole new life for herself and who would ever know?

"I'm Lyds."

"Lyds..." he smiled, almost as if he was testing her name, his hand found hers in amongst the jostling crowd, "How about we stick together?"

"I think I'd be okay with that." she nodded thoughtfully, her hand squeezed his.

"Do you know where they're taking us?"

"Earth." a smile forced its way into her lips, "They're sending us to earth."

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