Six - "She was never yours."

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It was 11:59pm when Marcus Kane felt his heart fill with dread, all he had planned to do was check on Abby, see how his god child was doing on the ground, and just like that, right before his very eyes, her image on the screen turned to grey

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It was 11:59pm when Marcus Kane felt his heart fill with dread, all he had planned to do was check on Abby, see how his god child was doing on the ground, and just like that, right before his very eyes, her image on the screen turned to grey. There was no warning, no signs of a struggle or pain, she was just gone. And he felt irreparable loss.

Lydia, on the ground, had no idea what she'd caused her mind was too wrapped up in her newfound friends and her own survival to think about what her heat of the moment decision had caused. Kane only ever crossed her mind briefly, when she found herself thinking of why she was on the ground, in so many ways she was thankful to him for that, thankful because she met Bellamy.

"Come on Bell, you got it!" The girl cheered and watched in excitement as he proved once more he was better than Murphy in another area; axe throwing.

"See, you know I'm better, I know I'm better, even Lyds says I'm better."

"That's only because she wants to beat my ass right now. Even if she does forgive me..."

"In your dreams." Bellamy sneered, "Anyway, she's not the only one."

"Is that why you're here? So you can protect her from me?"

"Bingo." The man winked and moved to sit down beside Lyds once more where he threw an axe from where he was sat, it hit the tree with a thud and sunk into its soft bark, leaving both Lyds and Murphy stunned.

"See, that's how it's done."

"We searched a half mile in all directions, no sign of Trina or Pascal." Atom interrupted the trio his eyes filled with worry which was something Lyds had never seen before.

"You see your special tree when you were out there?" Murphy smirked to himself

"Leave him." Lydia hissed, her eyes burned holes in the back of her brothers head.

"Atom took his punishment, let it go."

"Could be grounders?"

"Yeah, or they could be in pound town... Lot of that going around recently, right Lyds?"

"Fuck you." The girl climbed to her feet, her chest pressed against his and the pair were nose to nose before either of them even knew what was happening.

Murphy's eyes fell upon Bellamy and a sadistic smile lit up his face, "I'm not touching you, that's his job."

"I swear to god-"

Before Lydia could take another step Atom's arms were around her waist dragging her backwards and towards Bellamy.

"Hold her." the boy rolled his eyes and almost instantly Bellamy had Lydia caged in his grasp. Murphy only laughed from where he was stood.

"Do you want my forgiveness or not?" she snapped

"Okay, I'll keep my mouth shut."

"Good." Bellamy narrowed his eyes.

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