Twenty Five - "That's my girl."

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"What do you think life would be like if we met on the ark?"

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"What do you think life would be like if we met on the ark?"

"What do you mean Bell?" The blonde girl chuckled from her home within his arms

"I mean would things be different? Do you think we'd have still ended up here together?"

"I don't think so, I don't think I ever saw you on the ark."

"You never bothered to." He shrugged, "But I think I might have seen you on the ark, only once, but I'm probably wrong. Who knows? Maybe it would have been me and you, and maybe it would have been you and Murphy."

Bellamy immediately began to laugh, almost uncontrollably and he hid his head in the crook of his girlfriends neck. Lyds immediately let out a gasp and gently pushed him away, but still amusement lit up in her eyes.

"Shut up! You know that wouldn't have happened!"

"He is your best friend."

"So are you, and Finn, and Clarke, Raven, Jasper-"

"I get your point doll." The Blake boy shook his head

"Who knows? Maybe I would have seen you, eventually." The blonde lay her head upon her lover's chest once more, "But I want to know when you saw me."

"No it sounds stupid-"

"Come on Bell! I know you're not exactly a romantic but just tell me this one thing-"

"Okay!" He outburst, "Fine! When I was a cadet in the guard I chaperoned a dance and I think I saw you there, that's it, nothing romantic about it. That what you want to hear?"

"What? You didn't see me and instantly know I was the one-"

"Shut up!" It was Bellamy's turn to push Lyds, "Come on give me some credit, I found you didn't I?"

"I remember that dance." The blonde smiled reminiscently, "That was the day my dad got sick, Murphy took me there to cheer me up."

"He really did look out for you, huh?"

"Just like Finn and Raven, except for all the romantic crap. He's the only family I got to choose. But everything is different now."


"Because I got to choose you." Lyds let out a soft sigh, "But back then... he was the only person who saw me for me."

"Lyds? Talk to me, please."

Young Lyds Greystone was silent from where she sat, her head pressed against the wall and her hands covered her ears. She couldn't listen to her mothers crying anymore, it had become too much to bear. Of course, despite her not wanting to talk or listen Murphy had sat with her throughout all of it, with his hand on her knee and the most gentle of looks in his eyes.

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