Five - "There is no one like you."

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"It'll hurts a little at first but I can promise you once it's off you'll be surprised at how good it feels

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"It'll hurts a little at first but I can promise you once it's off you'll be surprised at how good it feels."

Lydia had no idea how she'd gotten herself into such a situation, one moment she'd been sat inside the dropship with Octavia watching over Jasper, and the next she was shrouded in the safety of Bellamy Blake's tent after making the hasty decision to have her wristband taken off, she didn't know what had come over her. Perhaps after all she had just wanted to be closer to Bellamy.

"It'll hurt?" Her eyes widened, "I don't know if-"

"You know I wouldn't ever make you do anything you didn't want to do."

"I want it gone Bell, please just help me here."

"Why do I feel like me helping you carries a lot more weight than it should?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're hiding something from me." The man explained, his elbows came to rest on his knees and his hazel eyes fell upon the shaking girl, "Tell me."

"My god father is Marcus Kane. He was part of the council that decided to float my mother for trying to save my father's life, and he made the call to put me in lock up and send me down to earth..." tears began to sting the young girl's eyes but she kept her head down knowing that if her eyes were to meet Bellamy's then she'd break into a thousand pieces, "I remember how he used to smuggle things into lock up for me, notebooks, colouring pencils, anything I wanted, but now I see the only reason he did it was to keep me on his side. That man... my god father is the reason half of our people are down here."

"Jesus, I had no idea."

"No one does, just Monty, Murphy and Clarke know. And now you."

"So he's the reason you're doing this?"

"I want him to feel the same pain I felt when both of my parents died, and you're the only person I trust to help me."

"I'll help you, but only because I want him and Jaha to pay too." Bellamy grit his teeth, forcing himself to stay calm, "But you have to be sure you want me to take this off because once I do there's no going back."

"Do it."

"Okay doll, whatever you want."

For a moment, it was quiet in Bellamy's tent the only noise being his fumbling around searching for something to use to remove the girl's bracelet, and Lyds quiet crying. Finally his fingertips brushed the end of his knife beneath the makeshift bed and he brought it into his hands with a triumphant smile.

"I'm going to use the handle to force it off, it's gonna hurt-"

"I know, you said that already."

"Squeeze my hand if it gets too much."

And Bellamy set to work. With one hand enveloping the freckled girl's and the other clutching his knife, he began to force the handle of the weapon beneath her band pressing down harder and harder until it showed signs of giving. He hated to do it really, he saw the way she winced and gripped his hand in her own but it had to be done, if it was going to make Lyds happy again that was.

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