Twelve - "I did it for you."

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"Hey there sleepyhead

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"Hey there sleepyhead..."

With tired eyes and sweaty palms Lyds Greystone lay dazedly on the cold metal medical table, trying to force her eyes open. She could feel a hand in her own making her icy skin feel warm within the strangers touch. After seconds of laying still the girl's eyes finally opened and all she saw above her was the rusted roof of the dropship and a mess of curly black hair.


"How are you feeling doll?" He squeezed her hand, pulling it closer to his chest, "I was scared I lost you for a second there."

"What happened? H-How long was I out?"

"Maybe half a day? Your wound got infected but Clarke cleared the infection, if it wasn't for her and how quickly Jasper got you back here-"

"Then I'd be dead."

"Yes." Bellamy swallowed the harsh lump in his throat, "They saved your life, and I'm sorry I couldn't."

"It's okay Bell, we were fighting and you were missing Octavia-"

"There's no excuse for it Lyds. I wanted your trust, we promised we'd protect each other and- I needed you, but all I did was push you away!" The Blake boy climbed to his feet and began to pace the tent, cracking his knuckles as he moved, "And then he saved your life instead, twice! I couldn't even save you once, I was too focused on Octavia and I almost lost you!"

"Bellamy, stop!" The weak girl yelled, "She's your baby sister, she comes first okay? You did what you were supposed to do."

"But I pushed you away! And then you and Jasper-"

"Blake don't tell me you're jealous now?"

"Maybe a little..." the man softly laughed, rubbing the back of his neck as blood rushed to his freckled cheeks. "But it isn't just that. I had a fight with Octavia while you were out and all I could think about was how much I needed you, when you were in here needing me more."

Tears began to sting his eyes and all at once Bellamy collapsed into his chair and began to rub at his tired eyes, seemingly desperate to fight off the tears.

"Come here." The girl whispered

And just like that Bellamy climbed up onto the bed beside Lyds. Their bodies did not touch, they did not hold one another, all they did was stare into the others eyes with complete care and adoration. And eventually they fell asleep beside each other, the only thing between them being their intertwined hands lay upon the pillow.


Lydia woke up once more with a start, her vision was hazey and her mind was clouded with images of the grounders taking Bellamy away from her, captive and tortured. She wanted to cry and throw up all at once.

Thankfully she wasn't alone, because the second the girl sat up a tired smiled crossed her lips upon the sight of Jasper Jordan. The boy was sat in the same seat Bellamy had been earlier and his knees were pulled up against his chest all the while he nervously bit at his fingernails, Lyds had never seen the boy in such a way.

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