Four - "Take it off."

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It had only been an hour since Clarke, Finn and the others had returned to camp with the news that Jasper had been taken by other people, survivors

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It had only been an hour since Clarke, Finn and the others had returned to camp with the news that Jasper had been taken by other people, survivors. Everyone was terrified as to what might happen to them, no one spared a thought for poor Jasper, no one except for Lydia Greystone and Clarke Griffin. Clarke had spent all afternoon gathering volunteers to form a search party, whilst Lyds had spent that time inside the dropship carving weapons, knives and spears, to be used in case they were attacked. Lydia had never been one to back down from a fight, especially when it came to the ones she cared about. Of course, she hadn't known Jasper or taken the time to talk to him, but Clarke and Finn had and they were her friends, so if saving Jasper was important to them then it was going to be important to her too.

"You ready to go?" Clarke asked, barely even taking a moment to step inside the dropship before hearing her friends answer.

"Ready!" the blonde called out before she slipped on her shoes and grabbed her bag full of weapons.

"You're coming too?" A boy approached Lyds, she'd seen him before but couldn't be sure of his name if she were asked, "Oh! I'm Monty, Jasper's best friend."

"To answer your question, yes I am, and I'm Lyds."

"Lydia, right. I know who you are. Kane's god daughter right?"

"Yeah I am, but I'd appreciate if you didn't tell anyone that Monty. Just keep it between you and me."

"Got it, your secrets safe with me."


With a shared smile the pair headed outside to where Clarke waited at the gate with Wells, Bellamy and Murphy. Murphy's face seemed to drop at the sight of his friend.

"Monty I thought I told you to stay here!" Clarke called out, disappointment painted itself across her face, "We need you here."

"He's my best friend! I can't just leave him."

"Monty." Lyds hand fell to rest on the younger boys shoulder, "You need to stay here and take care of things, okay? You're an engineer, right?"


"Then we need you to stay here, you're too important. I'll look for Jasper and as soon as I find anything i'll tell you okay?"

"Like hell you are!" Murphy outburst, "You are not coming with us Lyds."

"Why not? I want to look for Jasper just as much as any of you do."

"You'll get hurt, you're weak."

"I'll show you weak Murphy."

By that point the pair were so close to one another that their noses almost touched, it was a hilarious sight to see but to Lyds and John nothing had ever made them angrier.

"Alright, break it up." Bellamy let out a laugh, pushing the two delinquents apart, "Come on Doll, you're with me."

"But Bellamy-"

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