Three - "I'll protect you."

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The day after the rain fell, the delinquents camp descended into chaos

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The day after the rain fell, the delinquents camp descended into chaos. It seemed everyone had taken Bellamy's "Whatever the hell we want" speech quite literally because in every direction Lyds turned there was yet another fight, a couple touching one another or general arguing. Everything they'd began to build was quickly falling apart all at once and it felt like there was no way to stop it.

There was nothing to be done.

Peacefully, Lyds lay on the ground near the edge of camp, her legs outstretched and her arms tucked beneath her head. Despite everything going on around her, even with being able to hear Murphy's evil laughs floating through the air, she'd somehow found a way to let herself relax. Even if she was terrified that Finn and Clarke still hadn't returned to camp.

Just as Lydia opened her eyes it seemed that the sun was blocked out by a figure stood over her. Wells Jaha, of course, he'd ran out of people to bug.

"Please tell me you're thinking what i'm thinking."

"That you're stood in my light?" she cocked an eyebrow, "Yes, yes i am."

"Have you taken a look around lately? Bellamy's whatever the hell we want speech left an impression on the others that's for sure."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"You're just as sane as I am Lyds, you must see the downside to all of this."

"Look, I'll be honest. I respect Bell, but as much as I do, right now I just want Clarke and the others to come back."

"It seems like a long shot but maybe you could talk some sense into him. Him and that Murphy guy seem to listen to you."

"That's because Bellamy trusts me, and that Murphy guy happens to be my best friend."

"Oh so you're like with them?" Wells sighed, and the boy prayed to god that yet another seemingly sane person wouldn't condone the two boys behaviour.

"I don't agree with what they're doing, no. But they're my friends yes." Could she even call Bellamy a friend?

With one final nod shared between the pair Lydia decided it would be best if she took Wells advice and talked to Bellamy, perhaps if he was the one who caused all of the destruction then he would be able to put a stop to it too. She knew there was no use in talking to Murphy, he would never have been able to understand.


The boys head instantly shot up and his eyes locked with hers in an intense stare, she felt small beneath his stare. Almost as if she was being looked at beneath a microscope

"Lyds, what can I do for you?"

"Something needs to be done about this."

"What do you mean?" the older man climbed to his feet, his height towered over the 17 year old. "Whatever the hell we want, remember?"

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