Twenty One - "Welcome to Mount Weather."

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Season 2

When Lydia Greystone awoke she found herself beneath a white ceiling, with white walls, with white everything

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When Lydia Greystone awoke she found herself beneath a white ceiling, with white walls, with white everything. Even the lighting was bright white and it stung her eyes as she made her way back into the world. But it was not the world she had come to know.

"Hello?" She whispered to no one but herself. There had to be someone there, there had to be some sort of explanation for all of this.

"Fuck." Lyds let out a hiss as she pulled the IV of unknown fluid from her pale arm. "What the fuck is happening?"

The blonde climbed to her feet and made her way around the room, inspecting every small detail there was. The white bed, the white table and chair, the white walls, there was nothing but her and the camera that hung from the corner of the room. Whoever had taken her and her friends were watching them.

"Hey! I know whoever's on the other side of this thing can hear me!" She glared,

With vengeance in her bones Lyds grabbed the chair from the corner of her room and placed it beneath the camera before she climbed up onto it and found herself eye to eye with the contraption "Let me and my friends go! I know you can hear god damn it!"

"What did you do to my friends?"

There was only silence. With a yell of both anger and frustration the girl stepped back down on the ground and lifted her chair before hurling it at the camera. The camera lense immediately cracked but still it didn't come loose from where it was screwed down.

"Come on you cowards!" She cried out, "All I want is my friends!"

Yet again there was nothing.

"Fuck..." Lyds ran a hand through her hair before she collapsed on the floor and began to cry.

In a matter of hours she had lost everything and it hurt more than any physical pain, there was no numbness to it, only a throbbing in her chest that wouldn't go away. It reminded her that she was still alive, but she wished she wasn't. Tristan had grabbed her, she was supposed to be the dead one, not Finn and not Bellamy, they died saving her. And Murphy died warning her. It was all because of her.

"I killed them..." she sobbed, "I killed them and they're gone."

"You didn't kill anyone." A man's voice spoke and Lydia's eyes immediately shot up to stare upon the stranger.

"Who are you? What have you done with my friends?"

"Your friends are safe," he told her as people in white clothing followed him into the room, stripping her bed of its sheets and removing the chair from the room, "You are too, you're cleared for contamination."

"What are you talking about?"

"Follow me." He smiled, placing a hand upon her shoulder, "Welcome to Mount Weather Lyds, I'm Dante."

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