Eleven - "Please don't let her die."

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It was late at night when Lyds Greystone found herself lay awake in her tent

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It was late at night when Lyds Greystone found herself lay awake in her tent. It was almost pitch black all except for the light of the fire outside and the somewhat broken lantern in between her and Raven's beds. Since the Reyes girl fell from the sky Lyds had been forced to share a tent with her until space was cleared out in Finn's tent. Lydia didn't mind the company, she quite liked it actually, but still her mind kept wandering to what it might be like to share a tent with her best friend Murphy, or even Bellamy for that matter... It felt so wrong to think of him as more than a friend but the Greystone girl just couldn't help herself..

"So, why him?" Raven suddenly spoke up, startling Lydia where she lay.


"Bellamy. You two are something good you know."

"We're just friends."

"Oh I've heard that one before."

"Shut up!" The freckled girl let out a laugh, "Honestly? I don't know, we're friends but-"

"There's something more? Am I right or am I right?" Raven smirked

"I'm going back to sleep now." Lyds declared with a shake of her head. The girl instantly rolled away onto her side, her back faced to Raven but the smaller girl wasn't ready to give up just yet.

"Okay, have nice dreams about Bellamy."

"Have nice dreams about Finn."

"Oh I will."


"Go to hell."

"I'll meet you there."

"You know Lyds, this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship."

"Can't hear you, I'm sleeping."

"Lyds! Are you awake?" A third voice boomed, almost terrifying the two girls. For a brief moment the pair had thought they were in some sort of danger but then their eyes fell upon a disheveled and worried Bellamy Blake and they were instantly filled with relief.

"Bell? What's wrong?" Lydia was instantly sat up, her mind and body completely focused on the man before her.

"I still can't find Octavia... she's not here- she's not anywhere!"

"Come on let's go outside." The Greystone girl smiled half heartedly before slipping in her shoes and bidding Raven a goodbye.

Lead by the light of Bellamy's torch, Lyds and the Blake boy stepped outside under the cover of darkness. The flame flickered between the pair illuminating their skin with trails of fire.

"I don't know what to do- I've looked everywhere, Clarke has too, she isn't here and I just... I don't know what to do."

"Bell, look at me." The blonde pleaded, "We'll find her alright? We'll gather some weapons and people and we'll head out and we'll find her okay? I promise you."

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