Seven - "Don't say a word."

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Hours passed and both Bellamy Blake and little Charlotte lay asleep nestled beneath their jackets in the safety of the cave

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Hours passed and both Bellamy Blake and little Charlotte lay asleep nestled beneath their jackets in the safety of the cave. Lyds had stayed sat awake for hours, unsure as to whether it was safe to sleep or not, she knew someone had to keep watch and she could see the bags beneath Bellamy's eyes and so the girl unknowingly volunteered herself. After all, someone had to keep Bell and Charlotte safe.

"No... no! Stop!" Charlotte suddenly cried out startling both herself and Bellamy awake, Lyds was instantly at the young girl's side as was Bellamy, both of their arms wrapped around her within an instant.

"Charlotte, what's wrong?"

"Sorry... It was just a nightmare."

"Does it happen often?" Bellamy asked, his face the image of worry, "What are you scared of?"

Charlotte stopped herself from answering, her head hung low against her chest.

"You know what? It doesn't matter... All that matters is what you do about it."

"But I'm asleep."

"Fears are fears." Bellamy shrugged, "Slay your demons when you're awake and they won't be there to get you when you sleep."

"Yeah, but how?"

"You can't afford to be weak, weakness is death, fear is death..." His eyes met Lydia's in a moment of sadness before he turned back towards the girl, "Let me see that knife I gave you."

Cautiously, Charlotte reached into the pocket of her jacket, pulled the knife out and passed it handle first to Bellamy.

The Blake boy smiled, "Now when you're afraid you hold tight to this knife and say screw you, I'm not afraid."


"Say it." Lydia spoke up, her hand fell to rest on top of Charlotte's in a protecting manner, "Screw you, I'm not afraid."

"Screw you, I'm not afraid." Charlotte repeated, over and over again like a mantra.

"Slay your demons kid, then you'll be able to sleep."

What was barely minutes had passed by and already Charlotte was asleep once more, Lyds and Bellamy however were still awake and sat together in complete and utter silence. Lydia had to force herself not to fall asleep, over and over again her head tipped to the side and briefly touched Bellamy's shoulder only for her to pull away with tiredness burning her eyes.

"Get some sleep Lyds." Bell spoke, "You don't have to sit here awake just because I am."

"Someone has to watch you and Charlotte."

"And now it's my turn to watch over you, go to sleep. We'll both be here when you wake up."

"You promise?" Her head fell against his arm as her eyelids slowly yet surely began to force themselves shut

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