Eighteen - "You broke her heart!

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"Hey sleepyhead? How you feeling?"

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"Hey sleepyhead? How you feeling?"

When Lydia Greystone woke the next day she felt a pain unlike anything she'd felt before. At first, it was in her chest and then it was in her head too, she felt it radiate all over but she knew the pain, she knew it well. Heartache.

"Shitty." Lyds mumbled as her eyes peeked up at Jasper over the bedsheets.

"So..." Jasper sighed before sitting down at the edge of his bed, "I know it was Raven."

"Who told you?"

"Murphy saw her head into Bellamy's tent, I can put two and two together, he can too... He's been asking for you."

"I don't want to talk to anyone."

"You're talking to me right?" The Jordan boy smiled glumly, "Look, Monty and I have been talking and we figured since you wouldn't want to stay in a tent with Raven or Bellamy, that maybe you could stay with us... This thing is big enough for three and there's space for another bed, only if you want to of course."

"I'd love that." The blonde girl smiled moving to sit up on the bed, "I mean, I don't have anywhere else to go."

"Great we'll get your stuff moved in for you, you don't have to worry about a thing."

"Thank you Jasper, for everything."

With a tragically broken smile, Lydia lay her head upon the taller boys shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. Somehow she felt closer to both him and Monty, they had been there for her in her time and truly that meant everything.

"I got you Lyds, whenever you need me..."



It was dark on the third level of the dropship where Lydia Greystone found herself scrubbing at the floor, busying herself, working away at the blood stains left from Lincoln's torture. Ever since her loss of Bellamy Blake she found that there was nothing to do around camp, no one to hang out with, no one to hold hands with, with Clarke, Finn and Monty missing she truly was alone. No Monty. No Raven. No Finn. No Clarke. And no Bellamy.

There was only Jasper, the boy who Lyds should've been spending her time with all along. He'd been there for her in ways she couldn't have imagined, he held her as she cried, made her food so she wouldn't have to run into Bellamy, he even joined in on her obsessive cleaning of the dropship. Jasper Jordan really was a true friend.

He'd only been gone for a matter of minutes when the Greystone girl heard his cries for help, the way he screamed terrified her, someone was hurting him they had to be. And so without any signs of hesitation she grabbed her knife.

"Help! Lydia-"

"Not him too." She mumbled to herself before she began to descend the ladder, taking it rung by rung, wincing every time her still healing leg met the cool metal.

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