Nine - "There's nowhere I'd rather be."

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"Do you think he's still alive out there?"

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"Do you think he's still alive out there?"

"I hope so."

"I thought you hated Murphy."

His eyes met hers and the most gentle of smiles cursed his lips, "I do, but you loved him like a brother, so for you I hope he is."

"Thank you Bell."

Two days had passed by since John Murphy had been banished from camp and since then Lyds had found herself spending all of her spare time in Bellamy's company. Truthfully he kept her grounded, he made her feel sane, so when things got bad it was relieving to know that he could whisk her off to someplace else where she could truly feel at peace with the world.

Every night since she was forced to leave Murphy out in the woods, Lyds would have terrible nightmares which always ended with Bellamy waking her and taking her out to their "special place." It was cliche really. It was just a large rock in front of a cliff edge he'd found but truthfully it felt as if she could see the whole world from there, and having Bellamy at her side made it feel all the more safe. That was all Lydia was able to allow herself to think about as her head rested upon his shoulder.

"Did you see that? Looked like a shooting star."

"You're not gonna make a wish?" She quirked an eyebrow at the older man, he only shook his head with a smile.

"Nope, it's not really my kinda thing."

"What? You're scared making a wish is going to ruin your tough guy facade? Don't worry Bellamy I won't tell anyone."

"Shut up!" He laughed pushing the short girl away from him, "Are you not making one doll?"

"I already did."

"And what was it?"

"I'll only tell you mine if you tell me yours."

"That means I have to make one right?"


"Okay..." The boy took a moment to close his eyes before he let out a small laugh, "This is stupid!"

"Did you make one or not?"

"Okay I made one." He laughed almost hysterically, "Now tell me your wish-"

"If I tell you it won't come true now will it?"

"You liar!" He nudged her shoulder with his, "You just did that to make me look stupid didn't you?"

"Maybe a little bit." She giggled

"I hate you."

"No you don't."

"You don't know my feelings."

"Oh I think they're pretty obvious-"

"Oh my god!"

"Bell? What's wrong?" Lydia immediately shot up right, her hands upon Bellamy's shoulders.

"Lyds, that shooting star, I think it was more of a... launch pod."

"How do you know?"

"Look." And it seemed Bellamy was right because when Lyds gazed up at the sky she could see the streaks of fire surrounding the small ship as it hurtled towards the ground.

"There could be food on that thing o-or we can contact the Ark!"

"Lyds, you don't get what this means do you? If we make contact and they come to the ground, I'm dead."


"Are you forgetting something? I shot the Chancellor! If there's a radio in that ship, they'll find us. They'll kill me and I'll never see you again... If they make it here, then I'm dead already."

"Fuck." Lydia swallowed the lump in her throat, "Then we have to destroy that radio. Come on, let's get moving."

"I can't ask you to do this for me."

"You don't have to ask." She smiled and with that the girl grabbed his hand and together Lydia Greystone and Bellamy Blake followed the trail of fire.


"Oh my god, Bellamy!"

It felt as if they walked for hours under the cover of darkness, still hand in hand with Lyds dragging Bellamy through the trees and towards uncertainty. Bellamy had never felt such relief when he saw the cloud of white smoke and the launch pod crashed on the ground, and Lydia had never felt such dread when she ran ahead and opened the doors, only to find a girl lay in the front seat, unconscious.

"Bellamy! There's a girl in here..."


It had only taken the Blake boy a few strides to catch up with Lyds, and once he did the smile that had once been painted upon his lips vanished from sight.

"Oh god..."

In his state of stupor Bellamy's shoulder bumped hers, knocking Lydia forwards and closer to the mystery girl. In an instant, her hand surged forwards to hold herself up and ever so slightly brushed the side of the girl's head, she's barely even touched her skin and still her hand came away dripping with blood.

"You're bleeding!" Bellamy took her hand in his

"That's not my blood. She's dying Bell..."

"She's not our problem." Without breaking eye contact for a single moment, Bellamy wiped Lydia's blood covered hands on his shirt and then leaned forwards tearing the radio from where it hung in the dropship.

Lyds knew he was right, she had no idea who the girl was, her name, what part of the ark she came from, she only knew that she was dying and to leave her in such a way didn't feel right. Especially after witnessing not only Atom's death, but Wells and Charlotte's too. She couldn't leave her there, no matter how much she felt she owed to Bellamy.

"I can't just leave her Bellamy!"

"It's me or her Lyds."

"Take the radio, and dump it then haul ass back to camp... You're all I have Blake but after everyone we've lost in the last few days, I just- I don't want to see someone else die.


"Okay? What does that mean?"

"I'm gonna get rid of this thing, you get back to camp and tell the others, but please just-"

"Don't tell them why I was out here? Your secrets safe with me Bell."

"I'm sorry for putting you in this position doll."

"There's nowhere I'd rather be."

With a soft smile Lyds pressed a kiss to the older mans cheeks before quite literally running away from him, Bellamy didn't have to see the blush on her cheeks or the glint in her eyes to know that whatever that was, the slightest of touches, that she felt it too.

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