One - "The rest of your life."

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When Lyds Greystone opened her eyes it seemed she'd forgotten where she was

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When Lyds Greystone opened her eyes it seemed she'd forgotten where she was. The young girl had almost expected to awake on the harsh bed in her cell, her sketch book beside her and Clarke on the other side of the wall, but instead she found herself strapped into her seat on the dropship with her head tipped onto Finn's shoulder.

Shrieks of both laughter and fear could be heard across the ship and Lyds wondered how long exactly she'd been asleep for, she felt as if she'd slept for days.

"Look who's finally awake." Finn chuckled, nudging her upright, "You've been asleep for a couple hours now."

"Sorry..." she sighed, "I've just been a little-"

"Stressed? Trust me, that makes two of us."



"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." he nodded, "Go ahead."

"What do you think earth will be like?"

"Whatever it is, I hope it's safe."

"Yeah, me too." she beamed, imagining earth to be everything she'd hoped for, a fresh start, "Do you think it will be like what all of the books say?"

"I don't know if-"

"Hey, you should get down from there!" a voice yelled and it was only then that it became apparent to the pair that two boys were floating in the air, quite literally.

Most of the kids around Lyds and Finn were laughing and encouraging the boys, calling for them to do tricks and fight one another, but Lydia's face immediately paled with worry. It was only a matter of time before they were going to land.

"You should really listen to her! We're going to land soon!"

"What the hell are they doing?" Lyds questioned

"Come on, let them have their fun. They're just copying what I did earlier."

"You did that?"

"Did you not hear me?" The girl yelled once more

Lyds leaned forwards in her seat besides Finn in an attempt to catch a glance at the girl and it was only when she caught sight of her blonde locks that Lydia realised her best friend had too made it on the dropship. Clarke was there.


"Lyds!" Clarke beamed and almost instantly Lydia forgot everything she'd warned the two boys of and unstrapped herself from her seat in a desperate attempt to reach Clarke.

"I wouldn't do that. Princess will just get angry." Finn let out a laugh before pulling the girl back down into her seat.

"We can talk when we land." The Griffin girl smiled and Lydia's body instantly flooded with relief.

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