Nineteen - "I'll always come back to you, Bell..."

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"Hey, hey, it's okay I got you

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"Hey, hey, it's okay I got you..."

It was dark in the dropship where Raven Reyes lay, screaming in agony as her head rested in Lydia's lap and her fingernails dug into the palm of the younger girl's hand. Clarke didn't seem to hesitate in pressing the hot knife down harder onto Raven's gunshot wound and the girl only began to scream more. She was in so much pain, it was indescribable. She squeezed Lydia's hand until her skin turned purple and white but the younger girl didn't care, as long as her friend was alive.

"Not much longer now, okay Raven?" Lyds told her, "Hang in there."

"I don't deserve you..." the brunette girl mumbled, her hair a mess and her skin glistening with sweat. "But I guess we're lucky Murphy hit me instead of the fuel tank otherwise we'd all be dead."

"Wait there's rocket fuel down there? Enough to build a bomb?"

"Enough to build a hundred bombs, if we had any gunpowder left."

Lyds didn't say a word out of fear of what might slip out, and so instead she allowed her eyes to drift away and fall on Clarke Griffin. She couldn't look at Raven and Bellamy in the same room together, it was too much to bear.

"Let's get back to the reapers." Bellamy finally spoke

He'd been ignoring the three girls for what felt like ever as he stood in the darkest corner of the room, flipping through Lincolns journal until he landed on a page with a drawing of a man in warrior gear. A reaper.

"Maybe they'll help us, the enemy of my enemy is my friend right?"

"Not this enemy. We saw them, trust me, it's not an option." The girl let out a sigh as he gaze fell away from Bellamy and landed on Raven once more. The older girl stared at her ever so desperately that it physically hurt Clarke to tell her what may happen to her. "Raven you're not going to be able to walk with the bullet still in you-"

"Well take it out!" Raven snapped, "I need to be able to fight."

"Like I said... it isn't an option."

"I'll get the stretcher." Finn volunteered before making his way towards the door.

"Can't run away fast enough, huh?" Bellamy shook his head, "Real brave."

"Dying in a fight you can't win isn't brave Bellamy it's stupid." Finn snapped

"Spoken like every coward who's ever run from a fight-"

"Bellamy." Lyds stood up slamming a hand against the men's chest, "Don't do this, don't make this about you."

"Make this about me?"

"This is about all of us, our survival. Don't make it a personal attack on Finn just because he wants to do the right thing."

"So you're on his side now?"

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