[22] pulling me

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i have my yoga lessons every MWF. i actually have to attend everyday but due to some school works, i am only able to go on MWFs.

our class ended so i left school early. mom and hyoin are at the mall. i had to go to them to get my clothes for my yoga.

they texted me to meet at the starbucks.

me and hyoin decided to order our drinks. while talking to the cashier girl, i sensed something through my peripheral view.

it was figure of a tall man.

so i looked at it.

damn he looked gorgeous.

his mesmerizing looks caught me.

he is with a boy who is younger than him and with a beautiful woman.

that's his mom and brother i presumed.

i looked at his brother. and he surprisingly seemed familiar to my eyes.

it is like he is the younger version of someone..

is this jungkook's mom and brothers?!

"hyoin, take care of our orders," i murmured and grabbed my phone in haste.

i will ask eunseo if jungkook has brothers.




geez his brothers are jckdkddkdm

the younger one just looked like him

but i aint sure if it was them

their mom is so fucking beautiful aaaaaa



but oh my god

i guess it is really his bro and mom

the younger one you are telling looks like him

wait i gotta find some pics

ok hurrrry up

hyoin brought the buzzer with us as we headed back to where our mom is staying. we are two tables away from where jungkook's family are.

i have this feeling that it's them.

my phone vibrated as i received a picture from eunseo.

i knew it. it is them. really how small the world is.

idk but i felt excited about meeting his mom and brothers at this unexpected time. it's like my feelings for him have came back to life again.


kyulkyung and dokyeom's classmates are one of the close friends of jungkook.

and jungkook is presently at their classroom.

kyulkyung invited me to visit them over. i badly wanted to but i don't wanna be obvious. besides, i am also staying lowkey for now.

i decided to go to the caf to buy some drink. our subject teacher didn't go to our class. 15 minutes and beyond, if the teacher hasn't arrived yet then it is hereby declared that we wouldn't have to attend his class.

i came here alone, i don't want to bother my classmates just to accompany me. hello, our room is on the 3rd floor and the cafeteria is slightly distant from our building.

while waiting for the change of my bill, i didn't expect to see some familiar people beside me.

it's jungkook's friends.

i sighed in relief when i knew he is not here with them

his sole presence can already make me feel butterflies on my stomach. and if i would be seeing him more often then i guess i wouldn't be able to move on if that's the case.

so i'm good without seeing his presence.

"excuse me," i excused myself after getting my change. they are all crowding in one space and i couldn't get out since they seemed to be cornering me.

i felt a little shy being around with them. they knew i like their friend. so as much ss possible, i tried to be decent and feminine.

oh my gosh, did i just do that?

after taking a few steps, after getting out from the secluded place, my eyes widened when the figure i didnt want to see popped right in front of me.

jungkook is here.

i ended the stare and walked fast as i can. gosh.

fate keeps on pulling me back to you.

should i try to escape from it or just let myself be pulled?

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