[45] noticed

468 43 10

third person

sunday morning and the sun should be up and shining brightly right now, but the gray clouds reigned the sky.

just like how gloomy the weather is, the ambiance in the place was melancholic, too. it was too quiet but the forlornness was clamoring.

everyone was wearing all black to pay respect for the ceremony. today is yein's funeral.

"oppa? jungkook-oppa?" a pretty girl approached jungkook who was gazing at the sky while sitting alone on the grass.

"yes, hyoin?" he diverted his eyes towards the young girl. he can't help but see how the kid looked kindred like her sister. she resembles yein so much.

"unnie asked me a favor last time," she said and began foraging on her sling bag. "she asked me to give this to you," she handed a notebook, "once she breathed her last," she continued with her voice gradually sounding like a whisper.

despite the confusion, jungkook eventually took the notebook from hyoin's hand.

"thank you," he said and hyoin left him alone.

he has a game today for the championship and the school couldn't find any way to get the game rescheduled so jungkook could join the team.

he chose not to participate in the championship anymore so he could attend yein's funeral.

the curiosity dawned upon him so he apparently unfolded the book.

jeong yein's diary

he sadly chuckled after reading the first page.

jungkook went on reading the proceeding pages. he couldn't help but to feel amused on how cute yein is while narrating the happenings on her day.

he found an entry where yein first mentioned him. and the continuing entries were all about him.

minutes passed, he finished reading her diary. but there is still one more entry left at the last page of the journal.

unlike the other entries, this is longest one.


it's been 8 months. never thought i would end up like this.

it all started when jimin introduced this sweater guy to me and i immediately without hesitating turned his suggestion down. i was persistently telling everyone that i don't feel like having feelings for that sweater guy.

i kept seeing him in the hallway and i was totally surprised to see the gray hamster hanging on his bag. i also have that hamster though! but that was the time our eyes met and an unexplainable feeling came over me. it makes me want to know him more.

i remember this, i thought she was flirting with her friend

so i decided to use my hamster as well. but i think he noticed that we have the same hamster on our bags that he decided to remove his'. i think he was hating the fact that i have mine as well.

no, it wasn't because of you why it was not on my bag anymore. i lost it along with my backpack while i was in training.

intramurals came and the preparation days were eventful. we went to mcdonald's on april 22 and i saw him there. but a day after, i again went with kyulyung and the rest, and he was there as well. that's the time i have realized that there were enticing feelings that wanted to grow.

never noticed 🌸 yeinkookWhere stories live. Discover now