[32] bus

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i am currently waiting at the bus stop. dokyeom and kyulkyung are still busy finishing school stuffs in school.

it is quite late already so i decided to go home first.

not too long, the bus had already arrived.

i swiped my card and instantly found a good place to sit. i am now comfortably seated on the window side.

as my eyes is directed on the side, i see a familiar person.

he seemed to be also planning to ride in the bus where i am in right now.

but then he caught me looking at him.

he was about to go inside the bus but his eyes caught me.

and there he stepped back and decided not to get in anymore.

is jungkook avoiding me?



but i have to get up and get myself ready to go to school.

i almost forgot that we have a practice today for the pe culminating activity that will happen on wednesday.

our driver couldn't come and drive me to school. while mom is at work and hyoin had a sleepover on her friend's house, leaving me alone here at home.

i forgot to tell my mom last night that i will be going out in the weekend so i messaged her instead.

after informing mom, my phone suddenly rang. i checked the caller id and it was my mom.

"you have to go out today? okay, wait for me, i will drive yoㅡ"

"don't worry, mom, i can manage myself," i reassured her.

this overprotective mom.

i walked out from our subdivision. good thing, it is quite near to the bus stop. i first decided to just take a cab but i eventually wanted to take the bus today.

after a few minutes of waiting, i was startled when a bus stopped in front of me. aaaaa. i still feel so sleepy.

though i had a good amount of hours of sleep, it doesn't feel enough.

i always wake up late during the weekend. that is why i feel sleepy right now.

i settled myself on an available seat and decided to take a nap.

i hope this nap will only last for like 5 minutes, if this exceeds any longer then i'd be doomed.

the bus gets full easily and now and elderly came in and is looking for a place to sit.

i glanced at the people around us, especially the guys here, to see if they have the plan to give their seat to the elderly person.

but no one did.

oh my god.

i got up and timingly, someone in peripheral view stood up as well. i didn't bother to look at that person as he was already too late.

"thank you so much, young lady," said the aged person and i just gave her a smile.

i grabbed the holding pole handle in taut so i won't fall off if there would be an unexpected brake.

geez. i still feel so sleepy.

even if i am standing, i bravely closed my eyes just to take a nap.

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