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Voices of people having a small disagreement inside Cloud Recessess..

Lan WangXian: (few months old; in someones arms and is being passed around; giggles)

Lan JingYi: (passes WangXian to Rulan) You're the one watching him, you do it.
Jin Rulan: (passes WangXian back tk JingYi) You palyed with him just now, you do it. (their debate/arguement goes on and on while passing WangXian back and forth)

Wei WuXian: (sitting by the stairs and watches; looks amused)
Lan WangJi: (passes behind WuXian with SiZhui following behind) Wei Ying..
Wei WuXian: Lan Zhan, look at them. (points to where WangXian is)
Lan SiZhui: Sigh.. They're at it again. (sees WanYin approaching Rulan and JingYi) What are they fighting about this time?

Jiang WanYin: (takes WangXian from them) Just changing a baby's and you're arguing whose going to change him?
Jin Rulan: But uncle.. (sees WanYin peek at WangXian's diaper) It smells so bad this time.
Jiang WanYin: He's clean.
Lan JingYi: Eh? Then why does it-
Jiang WanYin: (points down)
Jin Rulan and Lan JingYi: (looks down amd sees both their boots has been soiled with animal poop) What?! Where did we-?? Little Apple!!

Little Apple: (somewhere in Cloud Recessess; turns his head as if he heard being called; sees no one around except a few rabbits and resumes eating grass)

Wei WuXian: (while still laughing out loud) It's Little Apple's and they thought it was A-Xin.
Lan SiZhui: I feels bad for A-Xin.
Lan WangJi: (nods)

Jiang WanYin: And here you are, blaming a baby.. (looks at WangXian)
Lan WangXian:  (looks up to WanYin) giggles while doing his best to clap his hands)

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