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Modern AU

Lan WangJi: (sitting inside his office doing some work) ... (hears a knock on his door) Come in. (can hear the door open but his eyes is still fixed on some paperwork)
Lan WangXian: (enters the room quietly; both hands holding onto the table with his chin on it; looks serious since he couldn't see WangJi's face)
Lan WangJi: (no one speaks to him) What is it?..
Lan WangXian: (looks back and sees WuXian hiding at the other side of the door)
Wei WuXian: (giving him a signal to stay quiet)
Lan WangJi: (still no answer; puts the papers down) ... Who-
Lan WangXian: (smiles when he finally saw WangJi's face) Ah! Papa! (rushes to WangJi's side) o(^▽^)o
Lan WangJi: A-Xin? (picks him up and puts him in his lap) What are you doing here?
Lan WangXian: (gives WangJi's lunch bag) Food! Papa hungry.
Lan WangJi: Why is it heavy?
Wei WuXian: Well, since someone forgot to take his lunch with him. (sits on WangJi's other lap) We decided to join him for lunch while we're at it. Right, A-Xin?
Lan WangXian: (nods) A-Xin, make for papa.. (gives WangJi a picture he drew) Dewiberry! (*Delivery!)
Wei WuXian: (laughs) You were suppose to say that when you entered the room.
Lan WangJi: (A-Xin drew a family picture; the usual stick man picture that toddlers learn to draw first) ... Thank you.. (looks happy)
Lan WangXian: (his tummy growls)
Wei WuXian: Oh! Looks like the delivery man is the one hungry.
Lan WangXian: (laughs) A-Xin hungry too.
Lan WangJi: (nods)

Wei WuXian: (inside WangJi's office again eating lunch together) You're doing it on purpose, aren't you?
Lan WangXian: (still chewing)
Lan WangJi: (looks innocent) Doing what?.. (cleans A-Xin face)
Wei WuXian: You, forgetting to bring your lunch bag with you. (been coming to WangJi's office once or twice a week)
Lan WangJi: No.. (¬_¬)
Wei WuXian: Uh huh..
Lan WangJi: Not really?..
Wei WuXian: If that's the case, you should just take me and A-Xin everyday when you go to work. Saves us the trouble in getting a cab just to come here. (surprises himself and covers his mouth) (⊙_☉)
Lan WangJi: That's not a bad idea.
Wei WuXian: No! (」゚ロ゚)」 I did not mean that. I spoke without thinking properly again.
Lan WangJi: What do you think, A-Xin? Do you like going to work with daddy?
Lan WangXian: (continues eating) ??
Wei WuXian: Are you listening, Lan Zhan?... Lan WangJi!! o(╥╥)o

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