MDZS-Jiang's Side

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Modern AU..

Jiang FengMian: (holding WangXian in his arms)
Lan WangXian: (6 months old; staring at FengMian)
Jiang FengMian: Aren't you a cute little thing? This reminds me when your aunt A-Li and uncle A-Cheng were still as small as you..
Lan WangXian: (starts to cry)
Jiang FengMian: Oh? What's wrong?.. (tries to calm WangXian down) Shhh.. What's the matter?..
Yu ZiYuan: What's going on? He's crying non-stop.
Jiang FengMian: I tried to stop him from crying.. Sorry..
Yu ZiYuan: Give him to me.
Jiang FengMian: Eh?
Yu ZiYuan: You heard me.
Jiang FengMian: Yes.. (gives WangXian to ZiYuan)
Yu ZiYuan: Hmph!.. You spoil the children so well, but don't know how to quiet down a baby. (rocks WangXian in her arms) There.. there.. (rubs WangXian's back)
Lan WangXian: (slowly stops crying and ends up falling asleep)
Jiang FengMian: (smiling)
Yu ZiYuan: What are you smiling for?
Jiang FengMian: Nothing.. Just admiring the lovely scene in front of me..
Yu ZiYuan: Your flattery won't work on me.. (looks back at WangXian and sees)
Lan WangXian: (suddenly smiles in his sleep)
Yu ZiYuan: (didn't notice that she is giving out a smile on her face)

Jiang WanYin: (hiding behind a wall; whispers) I thought they were going to fight again.
Wei WuXian: (hiding too and whispers) Yeah.. It almost gave me a heart attack..
Jiang Lanli: (is also with them hiding) I guess the ''use the baby plan" to get them spend more time together actually works.
Wei WuXian: Why wouldn't it? It worked with WangJi's uncle..
Jiang WanYin: It worked indeed.

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