MDZS-Hugs Kisses

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Gusu Lan Students: (admiring WangXian's cuteness)
He's so adorable..
Little master Lan has HanGuang-Jun's eyes..
He does..
Lan JingYi: Of course he would resemble HanGuang-Jun, he is his father.
Lan SiZhui: But there is also some features he got from his mother, right?
Lan JingYi: Yes.. But.. (all of them looking at WangXian)
Lan WangXian: (around 3-4 months old; staring at all of them quietly while in WuXian's arms)
Gusu Lan Students: He's not even smiling at us no matter what we do.
(in unison) He personality is more like HanGuang-Jun..
Wei WuXian: He's still a baby but, what made you all say so?
Gusu Lan Students: Senior Wei, he's too quiet for a baby..
The way little master Lan even stares at us is excactly like HanGuang-Jun's..
Lan SiZhui: If he's with me or with JingYi, he's not this quiet, right?
Lan JingYi: (nods) Yeah, he's like any other babies.
Wei WuXian: Well, it's probably because he's not used to you lot. Although, if you want A-Xin to make some noise, there is a way.
Gusu Lan Students: There is?.. How?.
Wei WuXian: Simple. Just do this. (gives WangXian a hug and kisses on the cheeks)
Lan WangXian: (squeels and giggles in happiness)
Wei WuXian: There, happy?
Gusu Lan Students: So cute..
Make him laugh again..
Do it again..
I guess he would only react because it's Senior Wei doing it..
Wei WuXian: Not just me. A-Xin would also be laughing and squeeling when he's with Lan Zhan.
Gusu Lan Students: Ehh? Isn't little master Lan quiet if it's HanGuang-Jun looking after him?
Somehow I can't picture HanGuang-Jun doing the same thing..
Wei WuXian: He does.. But in his own way..
Lan WangJi: (arrives) Wei Ying..
Wei WuXian: Oh time for us to go. (stands) See you kids around. (walks towards WangJi)
Gusu Lan Students: (sees WuXian giving WangXian to WangJi and sees WangXian smiling and giggling at WangJi; as they went on their way and following behind SiZhui and JingYi)
I still can't imagine it..
Imagine what?..
You know, HanGuang-Jun giving hugs and kisses to the baby?..
You're not the only one..
Lan SiZhui and Lan JingYi: (smiles at each other since they've seen it before)
Wei WuXian: Is your work finish?
Lan WangJi: (looks at WuXian and nods)
Lan WangXian: (touches WangJi's face)
Lan WangJi: (looks at WangXian and kisses WangXian's forehead)
Lan WangXian: (cooes while smiling; leans on WangJi's shoulder after WangJi held him closer)
Wei WuXian: (smiles and mumbles) Yep, they will never picture this out.
Lan WangJi: Sorry, did you say something Wei Ying.
Wei WuXian: Oh, nothing..
Lan WangJi: (offers out one of his arm WuXian since they can't walk hilding hands because he is holding WangXian) Let's go home, it's getting late.
Wei WuXian: (takes WangJi's arm) Okay. (walks home together while arm in arm with WangJi) Ah! A-Xin don't drool on your father's robe..
Lan WangJi: It's fine..

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