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Modern AU

Wei WuXian: (inside a grocery store and still in the middle of picking what he needs to buy; his phone rings and sees SiZhui's name as caller; answers the call) A-Yuan? (can hear WangXian crying in the background)
Jin Rulan: Hurry up with his bottle!
Lan JingYi: I am trying!
Jin Rulan: Ah! Uncle Wei!
Wei WuXian: A-Ling? What's wrong? Why can I hear A-Xin crying?
Lan SiZhui: (rocking WangXian in his arms trying to make him stop crying) It's okay, A-Xin. Shhh.. Calm down..
Jin Rulan: He started crying when he woke up from his nap. He's looking for you.
Lan JingYi: (trying to give WangXian his bottle of milk but WangXian refuses to take it and continues to cry)
Lan WangXian: (still crying) Mama! Where? Mama..
Wei WuXian: Put me on a video call.
Jin Rulan: (switches the call to a video call) A-Xin.. Look.. (faces the phone to WangXian) It's your mama..
Lan WangXian: (sniffling and still has tears running down his cheeks; looks at SiZhui's phone and sees WuXian)
Wei WuXian: What's wrong my little Lan? What's making you cry?
Lan WangXian: A-Xin wants mama.. Why mama not home?..
Wei WuXian: I'm sorry.. Mama is just buying something we need from the store while you're taking a nap.
Lan WangXian: When mama come back?..
Wei WuXian: I will be home as fast as he can. So why don't you have some milk and go back to your nap. Mama promise that by the time when you wake up, I'll be there.
Lan WangXian: Pomise?.. (*Promise?)
Wei WuXian: Promise.
Lan WangXian: (nods and stops crying; accepts the bottle from JingYi and starts to drink it while leans his head on SiZhui's shoulder)
Lan SiZhui: (pats WangXian back while waiting for him to fall back to sleep)
Wei WuXian: Did he fall back to sleep?
Lan SiZhui: (gives a yes signal since he is still holding WangXian in his arms)
Wei WuXian: Wait for him to burp before putting him back down to bed. I'll be back soon. (hangs up when the three youngsters gave him a thumbs up since they didn't want to make a noise)
Lan WangJi: (arrives at the aisle where WuXian is) Wei Ying, I found where the-
Wei WuXian: Lan Zhan, we should hurry up or else a flood of tears will fill our home if we're not there when he wakes up. (pushes his cart in a hurry)
Lan WangJi: Flood of tears?
Wei WuXian: Lan Zhan, hurry! (WangJi catches up with WuXian)

They did make it back home before WangXian woke up from his nap..

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