Chapter 3

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"Jack hold still you sorry shuckface! If you hadn't been squirming around I would've finished by now!"

Emma was working on not losing her patience (her headache certainly wasn't helping any), but Jack was pushing her to her limit.
Somehow, the Slicer had managed to dislocate his right shoulder and sprain his left wrist.

Something about slick floors and a runaway pig.

She got that he was probably in some serious pain, but the quicker they finished, the faster he would stop hurting.

"Jeff, Clint, help hold him down please." Emma glanced at the pair of med-jacks, who went to either side of Jack.
One of them pinned his legs, and the other his left shoulder, so that Emma could do her job.

Looking Jack in the eye, she placed one hand gently on his right shoulder, the other gripping his uninjured wrist.

"I'm not going to lie. This is going to hurt really bad, but then it'll be over, and we'll get you something for the pain, alright?"

Jack nodded. "Sorr---" he suddenly screamed as Emma popped his shoulder back into place, then he lay his head back on the small pillow, panting.

Clint got to work creating a sling for the Slicer's arm, while Jeff doled out two small red pills, handing them and a cup of water to the boy, who swallowed them down.

"I wouldn't lift anything overly heavy, and try not to move your arm around too much. Occasionally either one of us will be by to check on you," Emma advised, carefully wrapping a tight wrist brace around his left hand.

"Okay, so you're all set. I'll talk to Winston, but don't use this as an excuse to not work as hard for longer. You're better than that."

Nodding again, Jack made his way out of the Medhut.
When he was gone, Emma turned to Jeff and Clint. "Okay shanks, looks like we have a ten minute break before the next unlucky slinthead comes in so, use it wisely!"

The boys laughed as they made their way out of the hut, while she stayed behind for a moment to give everything a once over before she herself headed outside.

Emma walked over to the Bloodhouse, where she spied Winston discussing something with Carl, another one of the Slicer's.
She tried to ignore the increasing pressure in her skull, which was becoming a bit of a bother.

Yes, she knew she could most likely take a few pills to make it go away, but Emma preferred to ride it out, saving the medicine for other Gladers who would most likely need it more.

Winston spotted her walking over, and excused himself from the other boy who turned, walking back into the Bloodhouse.
"Hey Emma. You need something?"

"Yeah I wanted to talk to you about Jack. I think its better if he takes it easy the next couple of days so he doesn't dislocate his shoulder again, and maybe give his wrist some time to heal."

Winston nodded, arms folded. "Good that."
"And.....I gave him a talk about using his injuries as an excuse to not have to work as hard for longer, but I don't think you'll have any issues with him." She flinched as the high squeal of a pig came from inside the building behind them.

"You alright?" Winston questioned, brows furrowed.

Emma shook her head, then winced at the movement. "Just a....just a headache. Thanks for asking though, but I'm fine."

Winston eyed her with concern before heading back into the Bloodhouse, leaving Emma by herself.

Sighing, she massaged her temples, eyes shut, then walked away, deciding to go to her favorite place in the Deadheads. Maybe a few minutes of relaxation would ease her throbbing temples.

It was the tallest tree in the glade, an oak, with the stream winding lazily underneath. There was this little niche near the top of the tree where
Emma loved to just curl up and have some time to herself, listening to the wind rustle through the trees and the stream burble as it flowed by.

She'd discovered it her third day, and would often climb it to try and see the sun rise over the walls of the maze, or to watch the stars after everyone else had gone to sleep.

Well, usually everyone else was asleep.

Emma had been sneaking off to the Deadheads for several weeks before Newt had caught her, in the middle of climbing the tree in the dead of night.

He hadn't reported her to Alby, like she thought he might.
Instead, he'd joined her, saying, "It can get bloody stifling in here sometimes, can't it?"

Emma unconsciously smiled at the memory, closing her eyes for a little bit. Her headache seemed to be slowly ebbing, which she was grateful for.

She jumped, having been startled out of her doze, making her nearly fall off her perch in the tree.
"Shuck Newt! Don't scare me like that!" She glared at him over the edge of the branch she was sitting on.
He gave her a half smile. "Sorry love."

Emma carefully climbed down, walking over to in front of him. Subconsciously she bit her lip, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"So why were you looking for me?"

Newt shifted his weight from foot to foot, hand rubbing the back of his neck. "Um, Alby was looking for you."

Oh shuckers.

"Hm. What for?" Emma asked, trying to act casual.
I probably forgot a Keepers meeting or something. Shuck.

"Something about helping with the bonfire again for tonight."

Emma felt a little of the tension drain from her. "Oh. Good that."

A slight grin curved his lips. "You thought you missed a Keepers meeting again didn't you?"

"That was one time!"

Okay, sorry guys, this was mostly a filler chapter, but I wanted to show more of Emma's relationship with the others in the Glade first, before Thomas enters the scene.

And, as always, vote, and comment on your favorite part of the chapter!😃😄

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